A Small Mod Can Make a Big Difference


New Member
Got these TechSpec Gripster tank pads for the VFR and slapped them on yesterday. What a huge difference they make!
Website says they have them for the 6R, but I would probably get a basic sheet and custom cut them to fit the black area beneath the tank on the FZ6R - you wouldn't even know they were there...


No nutting myself on the tank under hard braking, no weight transfer to the handlebars, and much less fatigue as it's so much easier to support your weight in the proper riding position with something (other than a slick fuel tank) to hold onto with your knees. A bonus is that I was scratching the hell out of the tank trying to keep from slipping around - so that area is protected now...

Aesthetically, I don't love them, but for the function I'll gladly live with it.
I may have to look into this, thanks. I've talked with the gf about saturday too. Could you pm me your info?

Will do - if you guys are going to be able to make it we'll do it on your timetable (you're the travelers after all) so just let me know how you guys want to work it... My wife's arranged to be off next Saturday - so we've got the whole day...
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