Some POS rear ended me


so 2 something this morning, sitting at a red light i see a car approaching i flash my break lights because i see him approaching too fast. long story short he rear ends me on my bike and asks if im ok, he had a scared look on his face and burned off... in my mind im thinking did that just freaking happen, i pick my bike up and catch up to his V6 Camaro then 2 mins later i see HPD and flag them down and tell them that pos just hit me and is running, they caught him and locked his *** up for driving drunk...

Frame slider left side is banged up and took most of the hit
and gear shifter is bent
so 2 something this morning, sitting at a red light i see a car approaching i flash my break lights because i see him approaching too fast. long story short he rear ends me on my bike and asks if im ok, he had a scared look on his face and burned off... in my mind im thinking did that just freaking happen, i pick my bike up and catch up to his V6 Camaro then 2 mins later i see HPD and flag them down and tell them that pos just hit me and is running, they caught him and locked his *** up for driving drunk...

Frame slider left side is banged up and took most of the hit
and gear shifter is bent

You are lucky not to be hurt and was able to catch the drunk a****** who shouldnt be allowed to drive ever again. A lady driving without license and insurance turned left into me and smashed my leg. Somehow I didnt have any major injury but the cops didnt catch her till nearly 2 weeks later.

My advice, look into buying a helmet cam to give yourself evidence in case this stuff happens again. I have a Drift Ghost action cam and it helped my prosecuting attorney get a guilty plea from the lady who hit me and gave her no way of walking out of this kind of situation.:thumbup:
the funny thing is i have a go pro but didnt have it since i was coming from a club.

need some prices on the shifting lever and new t-rex frame slide puck (left)

oh and to add he was driving a rental and is from louisiana
Always sit in gear at the lights... It's bad it happened but hopefully others will take head, always be vigilant... These guys will kill you when you least expect it.
I saw this on motohouston! Nice to see another fz6r rider. Hope you're back up and running in no time !!
