Washing your bike


New Member
This is my first bike and I was wondering how to wash it. I have been wiping it down after every ride, but haven't used a bucket and sponge yet. Is it okay to wash it like a car? Just spray the hell out of it with a hose and use a bucket of soapy water and then rinse? Or do I have to be careful with the water?
7 views and no tips? You guys don't wash your bikes either???
if I knew I would tell you...most people are probably not answering though because they want you to use the search tool. I havent been on this forum long and ive seen many threads about washing bikes. im going to search it right now also so if I find a thread ill let you know
G, day,

Yeah I'm pretty anal when it comes to washing my bike, I use truck wash on the lower half engine, radiator wheels and swingarm, I then use a bucket and sponge with cold soapy water. (warm soapy water can lift of the polish)

The only place I go carefully is around the gauges and switches on the handle bar not to much water. Water tends sit sit hear so dab it with the chamois to soak it up.

I rinse of using a spray of water not jet.

I then dry of using air but again not around the gauges or switches this will push moisture in. I then chamois the whole thing. Any bits of tar or road grime I use kerosene on a rag.

Then start it up spin the back wheel on the centre stand the give the chain some chain wax.

Jobs done

Hope this helps
I wash mine same as a car, with sponge ,soap and water after drying it with chamois and microfibe cloth I take it for a quick blast to make sure all water is flicked out the chain, before re lubricating it. once a month( or once a week if its been raining heaps) I get all the crap off the chain and sprocket with a paintbrush and kerosene before the wash.
Hope it helps.
i use a chammy and a bottle of plastix its made for washing and shining your fairings.
I don't hose water at the bike at all. Just a bucket of water with car wash soap and wipe down with soft detailing towels. Go from top to bottom and the bike should be clean as new.
I wash my FZ6 with some commercial car wash stuff to preserve the luster of the paint. I use a bucket and sponge, slosh the soapy water on all the surfaces, (having removed the seat first), and then I rinse with the garden hose set to a moderate spray. I figure this is no worse than getting caught out in the rain and the bike should be able to take it. I don't direct a hard stream of water at the engine or the electrical components but I also don't worry about getting them wet. Then I wipe the whole bike down with a chamois. When I'm feeling really industrious, I buff all the shiny red parts with a soft detailing cloth. Haven't had any problems at all with this method and I fall in love with the bike all over again every time I stand back and look at it all shiny and clean.

Scott S.
I use a bucket and small sponge. Take care around the electrical stuff and make sure you DON'T use a pressure washer.... forces the water into places that using a bucket of water wouldn't. Also make sure you use cold water.. I made the mistake of warm water and found the paint on the engine started to flake.... problem sorted though with a quick re-spray. Otherwise the only other thing i would suggest is a specialised motorcycle cleaning spray.... spray on,\ leave for 2 minutes and then wash off. Any stubborn stains just agitate with the sponge!! EASY! :thumbup:
I've hardly ever used water on a bike (gets enough rain on it). I've always used Honda spray polish/cleaner though it goes by another name now. Use it on everything from plastic to metal to seats, then plexus on shield. My last bike had 4 years and never saw bucket and sponge, just the above and wxed twice a year and looked like new when I sold it, and I didn't have a garage or shed just a cover.
Chain: kerosene and plastic-bristle brush (former kitchen brush for scrubbing veggies)

Body: rinse with hose, bucket and sponge with soapy water, rinse with hose. For soap, Armor All makes a product that is wash and wax in one, which I like. It's not a substitute for an occasional hand wax/buff but it does keep the water beading up consistently in between, and gets places your fingers can't reach.
I just got a power washer, but I'm still on the fence as to whether or not to use it (gently of course) on the bike, so I can wash the bike, truck, and minivan all at once.

Dry: electric leaf blower. No kidding - it quickly drives the water right off for a spot-free shine.
I have only washed my Fazer once since I have owned it, not too long. I used a light detergent, dried it, and chased it with some spray on Turtle Wax. Afterwards, I cleaned and lubed my chain.

During the washing phase, I used a light spray with my house. Later that day when I filled up with gas, I noticed water got passed the gasket and probably got some water in my gas tank judging on the amount of water around the neck of the filler port. I need to probably look at getting another gasket. Just something to think about. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this problem and I don't remember posting this information.
Just got some Suzuki Motorcycle wash...spray on...rinse off...takes off all the dirt, if you've got something really stubborn just repeat. Using Turtle Wax Ice Shine as a finisher. Not sure what to use for the headers yet, I've heard Honda makes a good paste.
Careful!!! You could loose horsepower putting all those other manf. products on your bike.

i wash mine twice a year maybe. it just happened yesterday. I use a low power electric powerwasher to get the baked on stuff off..then use spray polish and good to go..
This asked today after I removed my entire exhaust system and polished with NOXON...

my arms are sore as hell but she looks amazing... Too bad it had to go and rain...
Washing/cleaning the FZ6R

Next month will mark my first year of having the 6R. I have about 5,500 miles and it's been a great first bike for me. Since getting the bike I haven't done a good cleaning of the bike. I plan on washing the bike for the first time very soon.

My question is: do I need to cover anything on the bike before I hose her down? I've never washed a bike before so I want to make sure I don't screw anything up in the process.

Any advice or opinions you have are greatly appreciated.


Giving washing the 6R is very much like washing a car.

1 - Water your bike down with a water hose (do not use high pressure hose).
2 - Soap using microfiber for any high gloss areas (plastics and tank) and any old rag for the rims, swing arm, and other rough areas.
3 - Rinse with water hose.
4 - Dry up with microfiber cloth

At this point I usually take a slow rider around the block to get air to dry any water left in the hard to reach areas and warm up the chain a bit for the next step.

5 - Clean and lube the chain
6 - You're Done!

You don't have to worry about covering anything on the bike. This machine is expected to ride through rain, so a bit of water wont hurt it. :)
