Slightly peeved...

Oh yeh, guy was a dick. So what, someone has to be... better him than you.

no one HAS to be...especially to someone you dont know and just a random
I truely wish that was true. However if you don't have some person acting like that you would be less nice. Or would have nothing to guage your own ability not to be a rude, ignorant, or cold rolled steam pile against.... correct?

We all have faults, sometimes it's just the inability to convey a nice way of saying I don't care for your bike. Don't take it personal, take it as he was honest with his opinion, or that he didn't ignore you all together. so, in his defense, yes, he did.

I did not say he was a pleasant person, but, you can't say you he was pretending to be nice..... to me that would be even more rude.

On the flip side, I have ridden several buels, not my forte.
Yes, that's douche-like behaviour.

Don't stress about it though, you'll just make it worse and then you really will regret it if something weird happens.

You can't know exactly what had happened to him moments before to make him so mean spirited, hopefully it was a momentary phase.
the other possibility is that he was one of those dry humor guys that just likes to fvck with people, maybe try again, and stay loose, this guy sounds like a challenge
Challenge him to a drag and twistie race. If you win let him feel the burn of getting beat by something that he thinks sucks, then let him know buell's blow. If you loose just slash his rear tire, or better yet... empty a can of expanding foam insulation into his muffler. Best way to kill a Harley is to choke the sound out of it.
any time a harley rider looks at me and won't wave I always remember the old joke" the only difference between a harley and a hoover vacuum cleaner is the location of the dirtbag"
I consider myself a motorcycle enthusiast so I like ALL motorcycles and I'll wave, talk and show respect to anybody enjoying his/her ride...
I went out for a morning ride down the pacific coast highway and there were a ton of motorcycle riders down there. Some of them on street legal dirt bikes, some on mopeds, some on choppers and others on sport bikes.

I tried to wave to everyone but most did not wave back or even nod.

I was at a light a two other sport bike riders riding a 1000cc ninjas pull up next to me. I look over and give them a nod and they act like I'm not even there. Both of them were what most would call squids because there were wearing only a t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes that provide no ankle support and had no gloves on.

I mean, yea it's hot, it's like 80 degrees out but I'm wearing my full leather jacket, gloves, jeans (yeah I know, working on getting some over pants or something) and riding shoes.

So that sort of bummed me out. But not every rider I passed was like that. One rider who was on the other side of the highway was so excited to see me he was waving his hand way up high and in a vigorous back-and-forth motion lol. Most everyone else gave the down low wave with their left hand.
he was speaking in regards to harley/buell being outdated technology.

I know what he was refering to... I was astounded by the silly comment of his. The brakes are far superior, the tech built into the bikes all around is honestly still ahead of ours. That would be in the same range of "old tech." as the others I mentioned.
'Round here, it's Harley or Squidly. I get attitude from both, but not often. Most of the Harley riders seem surprised when I wave, most wave back. Most Squidlies seem just as surprised and also wave back. Most of each. Being all geared up seems to help. Both classes of rider, generally, seem to respect that. Maybe they think I'm on a cross country odyssey, I don't know.

The noob, on the old, beat up bike, who's just happy to be on two wheels? He's so happy to be waved at that it's pathetically cute. I've had a few toss their arm out so violently that I was afraid they'd lose control of their machine.

I don't wave at scooters, on purpose. Around here, it generally means that person lost their license, or can't ride or drive a real vehicle for lots of other reasons I'm really not interested in. I've been in towns where a scooter is just an efficient way to get around. Downtown, that's still the case. Out on the backroads? Get off the damn road, you sorry ass piece of shit. It's frickin' twenty miles to the next town, and you can't break 40mph, without nary a passing zone between here and there. You're a menace and shouldn't be out here.

Rant aside, I'm something of an anomaly, where I live. I'm the only rider I've seen geared up, and most other riders simply don't know what to make of it. I don't ride a Harley, so I must suck. But I'm in full gear, so I must be doing something cool.

To the squids? Same deal. I'm not on a stretched out Bussa, showing my ass and sporting naked shins, so there's no way I'm cool. But I'm all geared up and on a sport bike. So I must be doing something cool.

End of story, most everyone waves, unless they're a true douche, or are simply so surprised that I wave, that they don't know what to make of it.

I was that noob 5 years back. :D

Yeah, I try to wave to everyone, save scooters. If people don't wave back, hey, they're the *a*hole, not me. I love riding and I always try to spread the love.
So I'm riding to school and theres a Buell rider that parks on the same street. Todays the first day I actually see the rider so I nod hello and park up the block.

As he is passing by all he says is Yamaha sucks and walks away. How annoying and confusing...I don't even care that he doesn't like Yamaha, that's his opinion and might be based on experiences. But was that really necessary....?

In my opinion...what a douche.

Some tard I know in queens who had a buell is like that.

By the way I thought you said you weren't posting anymore. Lol.
