Intro from New Member

Sport Bike Girl

New Member
I'm seriously considering the purchase of a 2012 FZ6R Raven in the next month. I promised my BF I'd wait until he came home on leave from Qatar to help with my choice. He's been a sport bike enthusiast for many years and I love riding with him. He has a 2008 R6 Raven and plans to upgrade to a R1.

30 years ago I had a Yamaha Maxium 500. I LOVED that bike, I only sold it after I gave birth to my son. I was very young, and had no fear back then until I became a mother HaHa.

Since it's been so long since I've driven a motorcycle, I'm taking a motorcycle safety course before my purchase. They use 250's in the class and they seem so tiny.

The dealer had the FZ6R assembled the other day so I went to see how it felt to sit on it. I was "almost" flat footed, able to push back easily and felt comfortable on it. It was more beautiful in person than I expected! My BF is planning on installing lowering links for me.

I have purchased my own helmet and Joe Rocket Atomic 4.0 jacket.

I would welcome any advise/comments !
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! :cheer:

Welcome to the best forum on the intranet! The 6r is a wonderful bike. Good luck in finding the perfect one for you! :thumbup:
welcome and thanks for joining! If you have any question or need any type of help, just feel free to ask. All of the members here are very knowledgeable with the ins and out of the 6r. You're going to enjoy the 6r, its lots of fun. btw, good choice on the raven, It's the fastest color!
welcome to the forum , the FZ6R is a great bike and I dont think you would have any complaints , as far as the forum , the search feature will be your best friend bcause chances are the topic has been covered 1000 times......
I'm seriously considering the purchase of a 2012 FZ6R Raven in the next month. I promised my BF I'd wait until he came home on leave from Qatar to help with my choice. He's been a sport bike enthusiast for many years and I love riding with him. He has a 2008 R6 Raven and plans to upgrade to a R1.

30 years ago I had a Yamaha Maxium 500. I LOVED that bike, I only sold it after I gave birth to my son. I was very young, and had no fear back then until I became a mother HaHa.

Since it's been so long since I've driven a motorcycle, I'm taking a motorcycle safety course before my purchase. They use 250's in the class and they seem so tiny.

The dealer had the FZ6R assembled the other day so I went to see how it felt to sit on it. I was "almost" flat footed, able to push back easily and felt comfortable on it. It was more beautiful in person than I expected! My BF is planning on installing lowering links for me.

I have purchased my own helmet and Joe Rocket Atomic 4.0 jacket.

I would welcome any advise/comments !
Welcome and a great choice.
Not sure why do you need lowering the bike since, as you say, you were able to 'almost' flat foot and felt comfortable on the bike.
Lowering the bike will affect its ground clearance and handling. I'd advise against that.

As stated I would really not lower the bike unless you absolutely have too. And I really do not think you do. :thumbup:
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I do not understand your comment. They seem juxtaposed and completely unnecessary.
I was "almost" flat footed, able to push back easily and felt comfortable on it.
My BF is planning on installing lowering links for me.

If you are flat footed, you should leave the suspension geometry alone and concentrate on adjusting it to suit your weight.
Welcome and congrats on choosing one of the best all around motorcycles out there! :thumbup:

Welcome to the forum. Like Dakine said, it is the best motorcycle on the internet. Feel free to ask if you have any issues or concerns, most people on here have already had them and now how to get through it. Great choice in the FZ6R, it is a great bike.

I think he means "best motorcycle FORUM on the internet", haha.
Darn! Nastibutler beat me to the comment! :facepalm:

I do not understand your comment. They seem juxtaposed and completely unnecessary.

If you are flat footed, you should leave the suspension geometry alone and concentrate on adjusting it to suit your weight.
That's what I said ... without using comlpicated words.;)
Welcome! :)

I'm new to the forum and new to the bike. However, I can already tell you that you can't go wrong using either.

Everyone on here is always so eager to help out.
Thank you all for the welcomes and encouragement.

To answer about the lowering of the bike, I think I will feel even more comfortable if I can be totally flatfooted, not "almost".

This is why I'm waiting for the BF to return before I make the purchase and any modifications.

I'll use the search feature as suggested. Thanks again for the comments/welcomes!

Welcome to our little corner of the intarwebz! :D

Holler if ya need anything!

To answer about the lowering of the bike, I think I will feel even more comfortable if I can be totally flatfooted, not "almost".

This is why I'm waiting for the BF to return before I make the purchase and any modifications.


I can almost flatfoot on mine, I am nearly there. The only issue I run into on the bike is moving backwards. I rode cruisers for four years. They have low seats and foot pegs are forward so they don't get in the way. Trying to back up while in the saddle of my FZ6R is awkward because the foot pegs get in the way and the seat is a good 3+" higher than what I was used to. Add an incline or a slippery surface and I back the bike up while standing beside it as backing up in the saddle can be impossible or just too risky. A 1" lower really would not change that very much.

The other thing I do differently is to put only my left foot down at stoplights. Having one foot solidly planted on the ground is much more comfortable than two partially. Once again, the foot pegs kind of get in the way with both feet down but not with just one. On one occasion at a stoplight a really strong wind did blow me off my left foot and I had to quickly put my right foot down or I may have dropped the bike.

I could mod the bike to make it lower but I have adapted and like it the way it is. Frankly, with 6R foot peg position even if I could lower it 2-3" it still would not handle like the cruiser when trying to move it backwards. It is just different. I do take extra care when choosing a parking space but it is not really an issue.

Do what you wish as far as lowering but I found in may case it is just not worth the effort.

