Oxford Heated Grips


New Member
Well, I receive the Oxford heated grips from Twisted Throttle this weekend and I can't say that I'm impressed. :(

Firstly, I opened up the shipping box to find the Oxford box broken open and pieces loose in the box. Then I pulled everything out to inspect everything only to find the insulation broken on all 4 power wires going to the control box (at the molded junction.) Totally unusable! :mad:


Has anyone else seen this issue with Oxford grips?

This is the first time I've ordered with Twisted Throttle. Anybody have any experience with them for defective merchandise claims?
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I have Oxford Heated Grip. Not a problem, Excellent product and very comfortable
Throw up a pick please. I want to see how the insulation looks. Did you call customer service or send an email?
No experience with Twisted Throttle or Oxford Grips, but the circumstances sound almost like you were sent a box that was either horribly damaged in shipping (I work air cargo and know what can sometimes happen with boxes, yet I've never heard anyone damaging one bad enough to tear wire insulation), or someone already opened and returned the item and somehow you got it.
Although the shipping box was not damaged, I suspect the packaging breaking open was due, at least in part, to the poor packaging. There was a single layer of bubble wrap on the bottom and top of the box but the Oxford package had a lot of room to bounce around.
The wiring damage was likely from factory or a returned package that got shipped to me. Either way, I'm not impressed.
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Throw up a pick please. I want to see how the insulation looks. Did you call customer service or send an email?
Photos added to Original Post!

I did email Twisted Throttle but haven't received, nor did I expect to receive, a response yet as it is, after all, Easter weekend.
