
A link to the actual product would be good. Can't seem to find them on the site.

We'll be adding them to the website soon. We were waiting for confirmation that they really fit the FZ6R before we posted them.

Thank you spider2k for being willing to take the risk and try these out. When you get rested up and have the time, send us some good pics with a clean background, and we'll use them in our web listing (giving you photo credit, of course). You'll be famous. =)
We'll be adding them to the website soon. We were waiting for confirmation that they really fit the FZ6R before we posted them.

Thank you spider2k for being willing to take the risk and try these out. When you get rested up and have the time, send us some good pics with a clean background, and we'll use them in our web listing (giving you photo credit, of course). You'll be famous. =)
Oh look who's here!
I smell group buy
if there's a group buy I want a statue erected in my honor for helping get rid of the ugliest part of our bikes!

For the record, we never, ever, ever do group buys. They are a logistical nightmare. We simply offer our best price to each and every customer. No forum discounts, no military discounts, no "I'm such a nice guy I deserve a discount" discounts. It's just too much bureaucracy.
For the record, we never, ever, ever do group buys. They are a logistical nightmare. We simply offer our best price to each and every customer. No forum discounts, no military discounts, no "I'm such a nice guy I deserve a discount" discounts. It's just too much bureaucracy.

what about disabled vet discount? lol.
Well, we would do that, but it would just be offset by the disable vet bonus we pay PJ, so it's a wash. ;)

IDK who PJ is though, I myself am a Disabled Vet, That's why I asked. I found out the other day I could have been getting 10% off at home depot the last YEARS. I was kind of ticked off because I've spent a lot of money there. I could have saved hundreds of dollars these last couple years alone!!!

Oh well, Crap happens then you die... lmao.
Bone - PJ is me (Paige was posting that last comment on my account).. I'm retired USN, so I understand about asking for the Discount - We're in the middle of a house and shop remodel, and the 10% at Lowes and Home Depot has saved us TONS over that last 18 months. I made the same mistakke, though, and forgot about my discount for years - gave them lots more money than I should have for a while.

Doing group "discounts" means that we create different pricing levels and charge everyone else more to offset it, (and then go through verifying who really can get what discount) and we just prefer to do less work and give our best prices to all riders, instead of raising prices and doing the extra work for "discounts".
did you guys noticed they also make a passenger rear sets from valter moto pn#PEP03 FOR THE XJ6. I wonder what they look like????

this is what the 2.5 rear sets look like. Found this pic on valter moto Facebook page
