New FZ6R Owner

Hoops 09Raven

New Member
Oops, i think i may have posted my original greeting on the wrong thread doh!

i purchased my bike last weekend without a license. I just felt an urge to get one, did my research and liked the results on the FZ6R. I havent been on a bike in like 15years so my skills are noob, so i am having to re learn at the moment.

Unfortunately since i purchased my bike i havent had much an opportunity to take her out here in California with all of the rain we have had this past week. Hopefully the sun will be out on Saturday!
congrats on the bike...mother nature is not like us cny with all the snow we keep getting...maybe by june i can get out..
Welcome to the club! :canada: I understand your situation completely,I was without a bike for 15 years too(last year) when I bought my 6R.
Welcome! ;)
Welcome Hoops! Yeah, we will all have plenty of time to ride this year! I snuck in a few miles yesterday riding in downtown SF. heh :D Better than sitting in the garage staring at the bike :D

Again, welcome and let us know if there's anything we can do to make you feel at home.
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Welcome. Mother Nature is really doing a number on all of us. Philly riding has been terribly sporadic.

Welcome from MN

Welcome to the community!! :welcome: :steve:
