Spunky's videos


New Member
I bought the Contour 1080HD cam and mounted it on my helmet I bought to race with. It's still really tight but works fine.

I was surprised how smooth it is with the suspension as stiff as it is with the Racetech springs and 15wt fork oil.

The GoPro seemed to be poorly designed for aerodynamics and the Contour looked more slick in the wind at high speed.

720 at 60fps to start. 135 fov. The 1080 is 30fps and 111 fov and I'll try that next. I have no idea which is better.
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting the best bang outta this cam?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32mW2DrXqEk]YouTube - Contour test_1.wmv[/ame]
I bought the Contour 1080HD cam and mounted it on my helmet I bought to race with. It's still really tight but works fine.

I was surprised how smooth it is with the suspension as stiff as it is with the Racetech springs and 15wt fork oil.

The GoPro seemed to be poorly designed for aerodynamics and the Contour looked more slick in the wind at high speed.

720 at 60fps to start. 135 fov. The 1080 is 30fps and 111 fov and I'll try that next. I have no idea which is better.
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting the best bang outta this cam?

YouTube - Contour test_1.wmv

John from what I understand there isn't a huge difference between 720p and 1080p if you're viewing it 100% of the time via youtube or other video hosting websites. You may want to google more about it. A lot of motorcycle vloggers go to motovlog.com for tips and tricks. I believe thats the original website I saw the mic mod for the contour.

I'm assuming 135 and 111 fov mean Field of View. If so....wider is better! :D

In all honesty, I'd record at decent quality with longer duration because I'm to much of a cheap ass to go buy a big SD card :D

Also, I've read about people putting cotton over the mic to help with wind noise. Not sure if they tape or some how adhere it.

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"DUMB FVCK'N B!TC4!" :rof: :rockon: seriously though...I hate idiot cagers with a passion. Looked like Manhattan and Artesia there. Next time I'm over there I'll have to watch out for female drivers in charcoal grey toyota corollas....I couldn't tell what race she was but she looked asian....don't get me wrong I love my asian people...but sometimes you just gotta face the facts :rof:

Apologies if I've offended anyone here.
I forgot about that...sorry....
She was white, dark hair and about 45..the Asians stay on their side of the road usually and drive slow and that is fine. I've had some close calls at that spot in my truck too so I was ready. She was more on the wrong side than what I'd seen before tho. Dang..I really meant to edit out that expletive deletive...
Thanks for the tip on covering the mic and the website. I saw the video on the external mic and I have the parts with an improvement. I will have the external connector normally closed so the interior mic is working until I plug in the external mic. I think I will just use and old cell phone mic and glue it into the helmet. It would be nice to narrate during a race.

*DISCLAIMER* Do Not Read Below If You Are Easily Offended!!!

"DUMB FVCK'N B!TC4!" :rof: :rockon: seriously though...I hate idiot cagers with a passion. Looked like Manhattan and Artesia there. Next time I'm over there I'll have to watch out for female drivers in charcoal grey toyota corollas....I couldn't tell what race she was but she looked asian....don't get me wrong I love my asian people...but sometimes you just gotta face the facts :rof:

Apologies if I've offended anyone here.
Lane splitting with a passenger

Just some nice mellow Sunday lane splitting on Hawthorne Blvd going North towards the Galleria from The Olde Towne mall. I have my son on the back and his legs shake if I do anything scary. So I try to be nice and smooth and cautious.
Notice the Prius. They are like roaches out here in Southern Cali. They hog the road and try to block everyone and can't keep up with traffic with their wimpy little engines. They think they own the whole road so as a motorcyclist, I keep a watchful eye out for these very dangerous drivers. In the old days it used to be Volvo's...LOL
Again this was shot at 720 and 60 fps with a fov of 133.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2htXi8HZ_Qw]YouTube - Lane splitting.wmv[/ame]
Just some nice mellow Sunday lane splitting on Hawthorne Blvd going North towards the Galleria from The Olde Towne mall. I have my son on the back and his legs shake if I do anything scary. So I try to be nice and smooth and cautious.
Notice the Prius. They are like roaches out here in Southern Cali. They hog the road and try to block everyone and can't keep up with traffic with their wimpy little engines. They think they own the whole road so as a motorcyclist, I keep a watchful eye out for these very dangerous drivers. In the old days it used to be Volvo's...LOL
Again this was shot at 720 and 60 fps with a fov of 133.

I'm glad to see that the Prius drivers' are universally sh!tty down there as well. I thought it was just up here in the Bay Area...with all the liberal free love. Most of the Prius drivers' around here are white women in there 40's-60's (with Obama bumper stickers)....and this is pure facts. :D I'm actually shocked when they don't match this profile. But, they do drive like they own the road and I always steer clear of them. Now, throw a cell phone in their hand......:eek:
When I first bought my Prius I expected people to wave to one another (not many Prius owners around me) but I very quickly realized that they all (most) are stuck-up b*tches that can't drive. So I agree with you on Prius drivers just not all (mainly me) haha!
When I first bought my Prius I expected people to wave to one another (not many Prius owners around me) but I very quickly realized that they all (most) are stuck-up b*tches that can't drive. So I agree with you on Prius drivers just not all (mainly me) haha!
Not to make too much fun, but I find it ironic that you own a Prius, yet you have the TBR exhaust mod and LED underglow.

Please don't tell me you have custom rims on that car! :)
When I first bought my Prius I expected people to wave to one another (not many Prius owners around me) but I very quickly realized that they all (most) are stuck-up b*tches that can't drive. So I agree with you on Prius drivers just not all (mainly me) haha!

I hate to sound like a redneck but when I see a dude in a Prius my GayDar goes up and I take a second look. Maybe because it is like 20 to 1 stuck up beyotches to Men in those econo-boxes.
I do like that you are environmentally friendly and saving fuel. That's cool.
Here in Southern Cali there are lots of alternate lifestyle people..I just like to look at the freak shows..LOL...Don't care if they are Gay.
I hate to sound like a redneck but when I see a dude in a Prius my GayDar goes up and I take a second look. Maybe because it is like 20 to 1 stuck up beyotches to Men in those econo-boxes.
I do like that you are environmentally friendly and saving fuel. That's cool.
Here in Southern Cali there are lots of alternate lifestyle people..I just like to look at the freak shows..LOL...Don't care if they are Gay.

:rof: You crack me up...
What happens when you don't split lanes

This is what happens when you don't split lanes. The guy in front drives slow as heck because he is going to turn into the Post Office and the guy in the left lane want's to do the same so I get trapped. Then a left turner figures he can get by in time and he's right as I'm going to the market but if I was going straight I'd have had to slow down. Safety first.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clbZCzd6omA]YouTube - Not Splitting.wmv[/ame]
This is California, Redondo Beach, land of the Beach Boys, just a rock's throw from Hollywierd and close to the ocean. People here drive like they don't see you and don't care. It is up to me to be safe because Lord knows no one else will.
Here is a typical Beyotch. Getting ready to make a right turn and at the last moment goes straight. Don't run stop signs around other cars, it might be your last dumb decision.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKCzuQIdXrc]YouTube - Don't trust them.wmv[/ame]
I live in Paris, France... I thought that driving a motorcycle was a nightmare, here... Now I know, that it can be worse somewhere else....
I live in Paris, France... I thought that driving a motorcycle was a nightmare, here... Now I know, that it can be worse somewhere else....

LOL..I think you might have me beat there sdouble....I have better weather here and no snow. France was scary looking when I was there and I had no desire to drive a motorcycle.
I have driven in the Philippines and in Bali Indonesia and I can tell you that you better have a steady hand and no fear because you are literally 1 to 3 inches from other motorcycles and cars. they merge in and out like a school of fish and the margin of error is zero. They do drive slower and a 125cc step through is fine even with a passenger aboard. You have to be able to brake in unison with the school of traffic as you will be passed and narrowly be missed by fractions of an inch. I got pretty good at it with the GF riding on the back. In fact I would lift the smoke shield at a stop and the Indonesians would look at me with wide eyes as I was THE ONLY white dude driving with the 1000's of motorcycles and I drove like a native. They couldn't believe I was not Indonesian. It also kept the Police from pulling over the foreigner and getting a ticket for nothing. You have to blend in to get by in SE Asia.
They don't have road rage there either and virtually no accidents.
Sometimes ya gotta have ice in your veins and faith in your skills.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbQGmb-3jk0]YouTube - Squeeze me.wmv[/ame]
Goddd i hate that crap so many drivers do that, they see u and try to force you to not lane split cuz its "not safe" yet ummm do they know lane splittiing is legal and merging in another lane to sandwhich you between another car is a good way to kill somebody :spank:

Crap pisses me off:banghead:

Goddd i hate that crap so many drivers do that, they see u and try to force you to not lane split cuz its "not safe" yet ummm do they know lane splittiing is legal and merging in another lane to sandwhich you between another car is a good way to kill somebody :spank:

Crap pisses me off:banghead:

I am numb to the emotion of pissed off anymore. If these drivers hit me while I have this on video, it will be easy to prove PC 245.

Doctor Convicted of Assault with a Deadly Weapon - California Penal Code Section 245

NPR reported that a former emergency room doctor was convicted of six felony counts in an incident involving a car which was allegedly used as a weapon.

The news story said that the incident started when the doctor, while driving his car, got a little too close for comfort with a couple of cyclists who were apparently hogging the road. The doctor and the cyclists exchanged words, and the doctor went around the cyclists and suddenly slammed on his brakes. One of the cyclists couldn’t stop and slammed into the back of the car. The cyclist was severely injured and the doctor was arrested.

The doctor now faces up to 10 years in prison and also faces losing his driver’s license for the rest of his life because the weapon purportedly used was a car.
