Best place to fit rego


New Member
Hi all,
I got my new XJ6S this arvo and is really chuffed with it.
Had to wait for the rain to go away and the road to dry a bit before I took it for a ride.

At the moment, the rego is fitted below the license plate, but i have to put the L-plate there and was hoping somebody has a better idea where to fit the rego to make space for the L-plate.

Hi all,
I got my new XJ6S this arvo and is really chuffed with it.
Had to wait for the rain to go away and the road to dry a bit before I took it for a ride.

At the moment, the rego is fitted below the license plate, but i have to put the L-plate there and was hoping somebody has a better idea where to fit the rego to make space for the L-plate.
Uhhhhh, OK, I got rain, road, ride, moment, idea... the rest is Auzzie to me. :)

Anyway, welcome, and I'm glad (I think) that you're chuffed!

Uhhhhh, OK, I got rain, road, ride, moment, idea... the rest is Auzzie to me. :)

Anyway, welcome, and I'm glad (I think) that you're chuffed!


Cheers, Mate,
We have to display a leaner driver "L" on the bike and that is what I'm referring to, sorry for mentioning Aussie stuff. We also have to display the proof of registration which is almost square piece of paper in a may be wondering why and where do we fit all this stuff...don't worried about it too much
Cheers, Mate,
We have to display a leaner driver "L" on the bike and that is what I'm referring to, sorry for mentioning Aussie stuff.
No problems, of course! This is an international forum, and I'm the one causing trouble in the Australian group. I really like the contibutions from all over.

Does Oz have some form of graduated licensing, or is it like the crazy American Plan, where you can wobble through the test on a 125, smile for your picture, and immediately jump on a Hayabusa?
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No problems, of course! This is an international forum, and I'm the one causing trouble in the Australian group. I really like the contibutions from all over.

Does Oz have some form of graduated licensing, or is it like the crazy American Plan, where you can wobble through the test on a 125, smile for your picture, and immediately jump on a Hayabusa?

Here where I live in Victoria, assuming you have car license, it's not that hard. You have to get your learners and one of the restrictions is that you can only ride a bike that is on the LAMS list of bikes. That is a list of bikes approved by the authoroties to be suitable for learner riders. It has to be less than 150Kw/tonne. It's a power to weight ratio issue.

Once you had your "L"s for at least three months, you can go for your full license with the same restriction for another 12 months. Don't ask me why they don't just extend the learners period to 12 months...

After that you can ride any bike. we don't have the different classes here which was the case a few years back.
hi there, Our bikes are 25 kw (restricted), does anyone know what power to weight ratio that what be ???? ps I'm from sydney : )
Hi All
With regard to the first question...i found a good solution

A few days ago I installed a Fender eliminator and didnt want to put my rego plate at the back of the bike but there was no good place to put it...
until....I spied the torx screw next to the key slot for the seat.

I drilled a hole on the plastic holder at top left, undid the torx screw (T27 size i think) on the right hand side of the key slot and wacko...its looking good.
Hi All
With regard to the first question...i found a good solution

A few days ago I installed a Fender eliminator and didnt want to put my rego plate at the back of the bike but there was no good place to put it...
until....I spied the torx screw next to the key slot for the seat.

I drilled a hole on the plastic holder at top left, undid the torx screw (T27 size i think) on the right hand side of the key slot and wacko...its looking good.


A picture is worth a thousand words and I'd love to see the install.
Your guys registration is separate from the license plate? That sucks. We have a sticker that just goes on the plate itself. I wonder why they make you display a totally separate tag for registration.

of course there is plenty of room on the hull, but boats are like that. Permanant numbers then a separate registration sticker. The only "reason" for both is "we've always done it that way". Gotta keep track of bogus registration fees somehow :)
Rego Tubes or holders

Hey mate these rego tubes are a pretty good idea and range in price and design and can be found all over OZ and on the net.

However Im hearin some shit about the cops booking some blokes for $80?

