Yet another homemade fe kit. Used only parts that were on the bike, nothing extra.


New Member
So normally someone who could afford to buy an fz, should probably have enough money to buy a simple fe kit from ebay right? Well that woulda been the case had my brain decided not to pop-Now I got medical bills comin outta my a$$. So a friend and I decided we'd make our own. But we wanted to do it without any extra parts. So basically we removed the stock one, chopped and shortened the bracket, and crazy glued em back together (definitely kidding.) So here she is, my homemade FE. I still have to clean up the welds but I wanted to get it on so bad to see what it looked like. And its actually dead center. Not bad for an amateur :p

(and yes I did tuck up the wires :) )
i did the same thing before i made a custom tag bracket, but i didnt use the plastic or reflectors, yours looks trick though, definitely helped the looks of the bike...
i did the same thing before i made a custom tag bracket, but i didnt use the plastic or reflectors, yours looks trick though, definitely helped the looks of the bike...

Thanks, I dont mind the look of the stock lights. I just hated how far they came out in the stock location. So I just moved 'em up lol
looks pretty good :) I like the stock lights too. Thats what I've hooked up to my FE. The LEDs were garbage.
i mounted clear light werkes led signals front and back(03-10 R6), had to drill 2 (1 on each side) small holes in the rear underseat cowling, and i bolted a small L bracket on my chain guard using the factory bolt there for my tag, and made a stainless plate for the factory fender mounts but it looks good, the signals arent very visible during the day but looks great at night, i liked the stock lights but wanted clear lenses and couldnt find them, i kept them though
looks good, but one question.

it looks like in the picture that the fender/plate is close to the tire. ive had my fe mount bottom out on the tire and another on here having the same problem, yours looks even closer. again, could just be the angle of the picture.

looks good, but one question.

it looks like in the picture that the fender/plate is close to the tire. ive had my fe mount bottom out on the tire and another on here having the same problem, yours looks even closer. again, could just be the angle of the picture.

A friend had actually pointed that out, that when I hit a bump or whatnot, the bottom comes close to the tire. To address that issue I actually tweaked the bottom bracket so the whole light assembly is out about an inch away from where it was. So even when riding with my g/f and when hitting bumps, the bottom of the plate holder is pointed upwards just enough so that it clears.
Also I'm only 150lbs so I dont collapse the rear spring too much lol
