Which Sprocket Set Up Is Better For The Twisties?


New Member
-1/+2 setup

So I changed this topic. cbzdel answer is to my first question.....this is my question now.

I know a couple of you have this setup (not conversion! Cbdzel!)

I've read on multiple posts that the aluminum sprocket will wear down faster and that gas mileage will suffer.

Does anyone have any numbers? MPG? how much quicker aluminum will wear out compared to steel. (assuming chain is proper tension and maintained).
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stock is 520 so it doesn't matter lol
(its kinda funny seeing 520 Conversion listed in some members sigs lol)

They are called 520 conversions because on R6 and such their chains are wider, a 530 chain actually. And a 520 chain conversion shrinks the chain (to what we have) and it reduces the spinning mass and slightly increases acceleration.

but a -1 up front or +1/2 in the rear will raise your acceleration, so if you feel you are lacking thats what you will want to do.
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I have this set-up...no real numbers to speak of...but I am currently at about 40mpg...although I have other factors as well (pcv + autotune). I have seen other guys say that their mpg went up though...mine went down...its cool though...and yeah my accel is awesome
I'm thinking about just doing a +1 in the rear. Just a little bit of extra coming out of the corners. I haven't done any research on this yet though. What size sprocket is stock? I'm assuming they're brand specific. Will any Yamaha sprocket or aftermarket made for Yamaha work? I really want to put a black one on.

stock is a 46T in the back. I just purchased the Driven Rear sprocket (48T/+2). in Black. It can be seen and ordered --> HERE

I know they're chain specific (520), not sure about brand....either way I wasn't going to take any chances so I went with the FZ6R one.
I am changing the front sprocket. Going with a -1 from stock.

Not sure how many miles each chain will get you through...I bet it's like everything else it varies on chain maintenance and what not. Going off of what I've read we don't need a different chain, just need to move the rear wheel up a notch. If not then I have a chain breaker and I can remove links if necessary.

I should get my sprockets next week and know for sure. One thing that was noted in other threads is that the Aluminum aftermarket sprockets will wear out faster than the stock steel ones... The question that arises from that is...how long does a stock steel sprocket usually last for?
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i have a -1/+2 sprocket...yeah, just moved the tire up, but not even a full notch...you'll see...as for turns...i think i liked it better before lol (then again, i kinda messed up the curvature on my tires doing wheelies :()...so it might just be me lol...no i can go 0 - 100 pretty darn fast and can hit a power wheelie at 7mph (lowest speed ive tried yet, afraid to go from stop to straight wheelie...especially cuz i do mine sitting, havent built up the courage to try standing yet)...plus its cold and dont get much practice...maybe a half hour once a week...cant wait for the warm weather:wav:
