When to Realistically Perform Valve Adjustment?


To you guys who are mechanics and/or have higher mileage...when should I perform a valve adjustment? I got just over 10k miles on my 09. Manual says 20k+ but is that realistic? I think it should be done sooner...thoughts?
valve adjustments are like any other regular maintenance item:
You really can't do it too much.

Wanna clean your chain every ride? go for it. Wanna reset your valves every 10k? sure thing.

who knows, maybe you do need it earlier than what's recommend depending on how you've been to the bike etc. There's only 2 ways to find out. Keep running the bike till it pops or u make it to 20k, or open her up early and be like "Holy shit, look at this!"
At 20k when I had mine done the mechanic said only the outer two needed adjustment....remember to cam chain tensioners too as they are notorious for going bad!

Thanks for the input guys. I've ridden my bike hard from time to time but it's nothing regular. I did remove the valve cover on it back in May and the timing chain was nice and tight so I think I'm good on the tensioner for now plus I don't have any initial racket other than the clutch basket until the engine warms up. I'll definitely keep that in mind though and check it again in when I check the valves. Thanks for the tip. Glad to hear you made it to 20k. I'll probably open it up to check around 16k now.
I currently have 27k miles on my 2013 FZ6R and haven't done a valve adjustment. Bike is running strong and haven't had any engine/performance problems since I bought it.

On my previous bike (2009 Vstar 950), if I remember correctly, the manual stated that valve check/adjustments were necessary every 8k miles. I never did this until about 28k miles. I took the bike to a shop I know/trust and they said that everything was within specs and no adjustments were necessary. I know, different bike different engine but still a Yahama.

I don't intend to take my FZ6R for a valve check/adjustment until I hit maybe 35K miles.
At 20k when I had mine done the mechanic said only the outer two needed adjustment....remember to cam chain tensioners too as they are notorious for going bad!

This right here. I just had the valves done at 46k on my GF's 09 and almost all were out of spec with no obvious performance issues. We had a manual cam chain tensioner put in when we got the bike because the hydraulic one sucks and was causing slack and a rattle at startup. Got all the parts to replace all the cam sprockets and chain when we bought the bike because the previous owner thought everything needed to be replaced and gave them to us. Didn't need a single one of the $300 in parts once my mechanic checked it out. Been rattle free ever since.
These engines are pretty much bulletproof. The valve inspection spec is every 26,600 miles and it really doesn't need done before that. 10k miles is nothing, don't waste your time doing a valve inspection now. Just go ride.
