UH OH! I think I did it now.

See red

New Member
OK, I had mentioned I bought the beemer for the wiffle. Well, that backfired! Now I am in for it, my wife is going under the knife on Monday. She will ne unable to get out of bed for 6 weeks, then it will be about 3~4 months for a full recovery. No not related to the bike.

She is hopeful to go with me at the end of summer on a road trip. That means a larger bike. I am now purchasing said larger bike to accomadate her needs. I realised I have less urge to go with out her more and more. so...

Anyone interested in meh bike? lol! I am pretty sur it is going bye bye soon. I will put up a real post and pics just wondered what you folks think.

and I am tired and rambling so oh well. lol!
Oh yeh... wanna see the new one?

Yes? ok..





No? well..... too dam bad lmao!
She is getting repair work from my daughter. They are moving a kidney, reattaching muscle to bone, and repairing the tear in her womb. ( is that polite enough??) But it will be good, she is scared and I am terrified. She is hoping to go with me on the bike and requested slightly more accomadating conditions.

This is her idea. Hell, she bought this one for me. (with my money) lol! but still, I wasn't wanting to get rid of this bike and have my reservations.
First off, best wishes for your wife's surgery. I won't offer any platitudes, but just recommend you be there for when she needs you, and she will need you.

My fiancee, who's 37, went through major surgery last year with tons of drug therapy and horrible side effects. We made a pact that we would not put our lives on complete hold and tried to live our lives fully and without reservation. So in between these tough therapies, we actually travelled and had fun. It was tough, but we are closer than ever.

I think the idea of going on a big road trip is the perfect thing for you and your wife to look forward to. I've done a bunch already with my fiancee, and they've all been fantastic. Being on a motorcycle is really living, and there's nothing like it. Make sure you get a good intercom system (I recommend a Scala Rider system).

Is that a BMW Custom? That's one funky looking ride.

I'm surprised you didn't get an FJR or maybe an ST1300. Then you wouldn't feel as bad getting rid of the FZ6R. I think a bigger sport tourer would be a good compromise for you both, if you got a top case with backrest and a good saddle like a Russell Day Long.
Fast healing to the wife.

But man, you find the coolest looking bikes haha. :thumbup:

best thoughts and wishes to a speedy recovery for her... am sorry to hear about her illness :(
