This is my crack...... ooooo baby lol!

See red

New Member
OK, not that one.


No really, my crack lately has been Nutella and Snyders pretzels. I am really going to have to go to a 15 step program lmao! 12 won't be enough. I actually have resorted to having one bag and a small jar in my car!

Ok, so, what is your crack? just curious if I am just nuts. well, maybe not that curious. lol. just wondering.
seriously??? you want pics of this? It is chocolate and hazel nut spread, same as peanut butter consistancy. mmm tasty ok I will try to post a pic. dam you..... lol! I am going to get it out of my car, then I am going to sit here and eat it.
My crack is kosher klausens dill pickles
No I'm not Jewish.....not that ,that is a problem
Damnit do I have to agree here, Nutella is the S#*T. I go through large jars of this stuff in like 2 weeks. Not really the "healthiest" snack in the world, but whats good will kill you and whats not good you wont eat. So eat what you want while you can, right!?!
