Tall person seriously thinking about purchasing FZ6R.


New Member
Hey folks!

I recently passed the MSF course and I'm seriously considering picking up a used FZ6R in my area. I've searched the forums here and see that people my size (6'4; 250lbs) seem to be fairly comfortable on this bike.

I wanted to ask, do tall riders look comical on this bike? I know that comfort is the most important factor, but I am admittedly curious how someone of my height will look when riding. Does anyone have any pictures by chance?

Not at all, I’m 6’0 and 205. After you get some miles under your belt the only thing I’d recommend doing to the bike is maybe change out the suspension springs for your weight. You’ll be very happy on the 6R. It was my first bike 10 years ago and I’m still riding it almost every weekend
I'm 6'3, 240 lbs with full gear and boots. I've been told by a few friends that the bike looks like it's a bit small for my size, although, they all have cruisers and have been trying to get me to switch over for years. The bike itself feels perfectly fine. First mod I would get is a Zero Gravity Double Bubble windscreen to help deal with drag at highway speeds.
6'1 and 115kg Aussie here and I get around of a 6R. Great bike. I found it was a little uncomfortable on my legs until I lifted the seat position (which takes 2 minutes) and it's been awesome since! Totally recommend.
Hey folks!

I recently passed the MSF course and I'm seriously considering picking up a used FZ6R in my area. I've searched the forums here and see that people my size (6'4; 250lbs) seem to be fairly comfortable on this bike.

I wanted to ask, do tall riders look comical on this bike? I know that comfort is the most important factor, but I am admittedly curious how someone of my height will look when riding. Does anyone have any pictures by chance?

I think you'll feel just fine on it.
Hey folks!

I recently passed the MSF course and I'm seriously considering picking up a used FZ6R in my area. I've searched the forums here and see that people my size (6'4; 250lbs) seem to be fairly comfortable on this bike.

I wanted to ask, do tall riders look comical on this bike? I know that comfort is the most important factor, but I am admittedly curious how someone of my height will look when riding. Does anyone have any pictures by chance?

Don't worry big riders don't look baad on these bikes
bobblehead racing.JPG
