Spark Plug Colors


New Member
I just changed my plugs at 10K mi (2K late, I know) and was wondering if I could get some opinions on plug colors.

Plugs 2 and 4 are off-white, plugs 1 and 3 are half off-white and half black/brown. What's up with the 1/2 and 1/2 color scheme on 1 and 3?

All gaps measured to spec, which is like 0.7-0.8 mm. The spark points seem to have a small amount of magnetic material on them (a really small amount) that I brushed off with a fingernail.

I can't get a good pic of the plugs yet, but my buddy has a sweet camera and I'll post them later if necessary.

Anybody know a thing or two about spark plug health and want to chime in on this? Thanks!
