Saved a turtle!


New Member
I was riding to work yesterday when I noticed a bump coming up in the road ahead. As I got closer, I slowed down an noticed it was a painted turtle near the double yellow line.

(I wonder if anyone on a bike has ever hit a turtle? Would it disrupt the bike enough to make you go down? I digress... :) )

So I pulled over past the turtle and turned around.
as I turned around, one truck passed me, and the missed the turtle by about 1,2 inches. :eek:
The I started riding towards the turtle and another truck was coming the other way. :eek:

So I pulled over right beside the turtle and waved my hands to stop the truck. He stopped. Good for me. Good for turtle.
I ran over grabbed the turtle and brought it over to a small pond. :thumbup:

So there you have it. Another small creature saved by the quick thinking of an FZ6R rider! :D
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Staff member
I've done the same thing! I ride around a lake on my way to and from work, so I encounter them often. Feels good when you can stop and do the right thing.
