Rod knock?

Think I may have some rod knock. I was riding around today and didn't give it enough throttle for the gear I was in, but instead of it bogging down like normal I got a sound kind of like a large ball bearing rattling inside of a thick metal can. Almost like the ball in a can of paint, but with a deeper pitch. It lasted for four or five strikes then went away. Didn't get any indicators, or codes on the instrument display. Operated fine afterward too.

Now, I'm getting close to home, and stopping at a light when as I'm letting off the throttle to idle and I hear another noise. It is at the same speed as the regular exhaust noise, and sounds like when you blow out your mouth but keeping your lips closed, then let them flap open and closed. Like you're giving someone a raspberry. It happens for a half second, then is gone with the regular idle noise. The noise is more prevalent after the bike has been ridden for a while. It's not there at all when the bike is cold. I can also feel it while it's happening. I can't say that I've noticed it before. Hearing what I heard when I bogged it down may have made me more aware.

I took a video of it, but the sound sucks and I can't hear it in the audio. Does this sound like rod knock to you guys? Is there anything I can do to check this out short of tearing the motor apart?

Thanks for the help.
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I always run 92 octane gas, and engine temp was between 200-212 degrees. Spark plugs were replaced at 16000 miles; the bike has 20700 miles on it now.
Thanks for the input guys. I started it up earlier and let it idle for a few minutes. Played with the throttle some and discovered that it is exhaust noise. I put my hand infront of the tailpipe and I could feel the same series of puffs in tune with the noise.

As far as an AIR pump is concerned; wouldn't you only need one of those if the bike had a catalytic converter, and wouldn't it only be on when you first start the bike?

All USA FZ6R models sold since inception in 2009 model year have catalysts in the muffler. A broken reed assembly *could* make a buzzing noise.

From Wikipedia:

Aspirated air injection[edit]
Air injection can also be achieved by taking advantage of the negative pressure pulses in the exhaust system at engine idle. A sensitive reed valve assembly called the aspirator valve is placed in the air injection plumbing, which draws its air directly from the clean side of the air filter. During engine idle, brief but periodic negative pressure pulses in the exhaust system draw air through the aspirator valve and into the exhaust stream at the catalytic converter. This system, marketed as Pulse Air, was used by American Motors, Chrysler, and other manufacturers beginning in the 1970s. The aspirator provided advantages in cost, weight, packaging, and simplicity compared to the pump, but the aspirator functions only at idle and so admits significantly less air within a significantly narrower range of engine speeds compared to a pump. This system is still used on modern motorcycle engines, e.g. the Yamaha AIS (Air Injection System).
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