Radar Detectors, which ones?


New Member
A little tie in with this thread Mounting a Valentine

I'm shopping around for my first Radar/Laser Detector, wondering which one to get. I know a lot of people say to get the Valentine 1 and be done with it, but I don't have enough money for it.

I'm looking at the Beltronics RX 65 right now, and in general my spending range is about $300 - $350.

I don't need all the fancy features, don't really care if it gives off false readings as long as it detects. Mainly for cops/troopers no red light camera needed.

Also MUST have an audio/headphone jack.

Anyone have anything like this? Or can refer me to what you're using?
I use a Escort 8500 x50 with a screamer 12 volt powered speaker on my Busa all hard wired in.. :)


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V1, all the way. A bit more expensive, to be sure, but then again, the price has been $399 for at least the past 7-8 years. Apart from having the directional antennas (which I thought was a gimmick until I gradually understood more about it), the best part is that it's upgradable and easily serviceable. Customer support from V1 has been fantastic. When the new POP radar came around, I sent it in, and got it upgraded within a week's time.

When I was in California, I eventually turned the X-band radar off when I found that a couple years' worth of X-band = no cops around.

The "mute" function is very unique, and you can program it to work in different ways. It's so modular, and so robust in construction, I'm on the verge of getting another one for the +1's car.

You really won't regret the V1. Just on the drive/move from CA to Tennessee, it saved my bacon 4x for sure, and one probable. Let's just say I covered ~2100mi in 25 hours, INCLUDING rest and smoke stops... :)
You can't go wrong with either one..

But for the dollar Escort all the way, there's really not that much difference in the two.. :cool: I ride side by side with a friend that has a V1 and I have picked up bogey's that he didn't and vise versa.. I'm telling you it's six and one half dozen the other..

A V1 owner is like a HD owner to them there's nothing better.. :rof:
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Radar/Laser detectors work pretty much for only radar. By the time the popo zap you with laser, you are done before your detector even goes off. And with the diameter of the light cone on laser, you cannot pick it up if they are shooting another vehicle in front of you. A lot more agencies are going to the laser vs the radar just for that reason.

I have had great luck with the DRW detector. It was free and came with the rider. Disciplined Right Wrist.....LOL. With a speedo that reads a few mph faster than your actual speed built into the bike feature, the popo leave me alone........

Radar/Laser detectors work pretty much for only radar. By the time the popo zap you with laser, you are done before your detector even goes off. And with the diameter of the light cone on laser, you cannot pick it up if they are shooting another vehicle in front of you. A lot more agencies are going to the laser vs the radar just for that reason.

I have had great luck with the DRW detector. It was free and came with the rider. Disciplined Right Wrist.....LOL. With a speedo that reads a few mph faster than your actual speed built into the bike feature, the popo leave me alone........


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