prone to rust

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New Member
has anyone (perticually in the uk) noticed how quickly this bike rusts. 1stly the disc brakes then the not so important things such as every single bolt you can find! then i took my brakes off to give them a bit of a clean and KAPOW! the road salt has made a nicemess in there. im having to clean my brakes every 2 weeks at the mo. and i noticed today my bloody key hole for the seat has corroded so much the key doesn't even fit in any more.

i ride my bike al year round and i only bought my xj in august so winter traveling was prob a big cause of this but my old sv riden all year round and for months i kept the poor thing outside without a cover and it still didn't sprout rust like this.

perhaps its time to flee the country.
well mine has (by the sounds of it) faired better, i have a little rust on the rear disc and at the back of the tank (which every yam i have owned has suffered from). However i do not have to ride all the time and the salting last winter was pretty heavy, so your bike has probably taken the worst. I do keep my bike outside, under cover. I bet if it were garaged (must get a garage built this summer) it would be fine, and thats the problem all bike manufacturers assume bikes will be stored indoors.
I know that mine didn't fair so well this winter. I stored it during the winter months, but the chain and rear sprocket were covered in rust when I took it out. My BF's bike, which was stored only feet away, was fine.
its heart braking isn't it. but it just goes to show how quickly things can turn. my advice to any one who is if ur travelling these salty english roads is to keep on top of cleaning ur brakes. it was shocking wat i saw. literally take them off, pads off and get an old tooth brush in there. maybe they'll last a bit longer.
brakes get rusty, just use them more often and the pads will do the cleaning for you... and dry them off after you wash your bike.

If you want to avoid rust then get yourself a can of ACF-50 and give the bike a good spray all over, avoiding the tyres and disks of course! Its magic stuff and one application will last for up to 12 months!

To rust like this is absolutely expectable (am i saying it right? /me isnt foreign-english) during salt on the streets... Look under the bottom of your cars to compare ;)

I know, that if you wash/spray it after every driving with cold clear water should do the job very well. If u use warm water, the "chemical reactions" of the salt will increase, but cold water will just wash the salt of and leave everything fine. So, stand beside it with a hose in the evening ;)

Personally, i dont drive througt the wintermonths, cause of this rust-problem :/
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