Noisy neighbor


New Member
So we moved to this house in May. My next door neighbor always has LOUD parties at least 3 times a week. Every Friday, Saturday, and one or two during the week.

I understand letting off some steam and being in Hawaii, everyone wants to have a good time.

But going into 11 PM-midnight when they started at 11AM seems little too much. And it's taking a toll on me. Especially since I have to get up at 4:30 AM to go to work (oh the Army life).

I've made complaints to my land lord, home owners association, and the community center. No resolve.. Finally called the police tonight because they woke up my 2 yr old from her nap and right now is getting in the way of her sleep.

Am I getting old or something? I just think to myself that were all grown adults who should respect others and be considerate. This isn't a frat house row.

Believe me.. I can make as much noise leaving for work at 5 am and doing lawn work early since my daughter wakes up at 6-7.. But I don't because there are other people on this planet.

Sorry to vent.. What are some of your thoughts?
This is a bad subject for me. I get soooo angry. I have no problem with people having parties. In fact i have no people partying all night long. What i do have a problem with is making it loud enough so that locked in my house with all doors and windows shut i can still feel the fricken bass coming through the floor and walls. Not only that its the same fricken bass patern all night. If for some reason you are under 18 and feel the need to have everyone in the neighborhood listen to your music to the point that people at the party can't even talk to each other than ok, but at 10pm you better turn that crap down, i gotta be up at 8 to take my FZ6R for a ride damn it! Anyway after i went over there twice and i think a neighbor went they now at least turn it down at some point. Used to go on till 1 or 2 i couldnt sleep. This goes along with Driving, people think its their planet and we are just lucky they let us on it. Why should i take 3 minutes to go around when i missed that turn when i can cut across 3 lanes of traffic and cut off 6 people. i mean its my road anyway, these people shouldn't even be on it. Just be considerate and nice people, its more fun in the longrun.
very selfish people. i hate loud neighbors. we have a damn barking dog a couple of houses down, we can't sit out on our porch because the damn dog barks constantly.

i went down and asked them to take the dog in nicely. they were cool and acted like they did not know he was barking. no further probs.
Yeah I can hear their music with all windows closed and doors locked AND football playing on TV. They went on until 11:45 PM. 12 hours of loud music and partying... I was HEATED!

Oh and they keep their small dog out most of the time so he barks constantly.. Hawaii has a law if a dog barks 10 min straight or intermittently for 30 min, the owners can be cited and investigated by Humane Society. So that report has been called too.

I've talked to other neighbors and they told me it bothers them but just haven't reported it or talked to them. I'm not going to deal with this shinnanigans.
Yeah I can hear their music with all windows closed and doors locked AND football playing on TV. They went on until 11:45 PM. 12 hours of loud music and partying... I was HEATED!

Oh and they keep their small dog out most of the time so he barks constantly.. Hawaii has a law if a dog barks 10 min straight or intermittently for 30 min, the owners can be cited and investigated by Humane Society. So that report has been called too.

I've talked to other neighbors and they told me it bothers them but just haven't reported it or talked to them. I'm not going to deal with this shinnanigans.

Good for you, i bet the rest of the neighbors bake you cakes and cookies!
I have had the same problem where i live. We bought our home and have lived here for 6 years when the house behind us went into foreclosure. A rental company purchased it and the first tenants were fine. The next tenants were having loud parties and we figured meh they are young and are just inviting firiends and family over to see the place and have some fun.

The weekend parties started to turn into weekdays as well. Then it started going on during the day on weekdays followed by loud music 4-5 nights a week.

2 calls to the police and 1 call to the property owner and there has not been any loud music since. I live in a blue collar area and nobody minds if someone is having a party now and again but not on a daily or every weekend basis it aint gonna happen.

In the city i live in, once a complaint is filed, if anyone calls a disturbance and the police find it to be so it is a compounding fine each occurrence starting at $150 up to $1000 max. Also the landlord or property owner can be fined as well for nuisance laws.

Part of it i believe is age, and especially if you have children. Once they are disturbed from their normal routines by the inconsideration of others, primal instincts kick in and make us do things we might not otherwise.
I have had the same problem where i live. We bought our home and have lived here for 6 years when the house behind us went into foreclosure. A rental company purchased it and the first tenants were fine. The next tenants were having loud parties and we figured meh they are young and are just inviting firiends and family over to see the place and have some fun.

The weekend parties started to turn into weekdays as well. Then it started going on during the day on weekdays followed by loud music 4-5 nights a week.

2 calls to the police and 1 call to the property owner and there has not been any loud music since. I live in a blue collar area and nobody minds if someone is having a party now and again but not on a daily or every weekend basis it aint gonna happen.

In the city i live in, once a complaint is filed, if anyone calls a disturbance and the police find it to be so it is a compounding fine each occurrence starting at $150 up to $1000 max. Also the landlord or property owner can be fined as well for nuisance laws.

Part of it i believe is age, and especially if you have children. Once they are disturbed from their normal routines by the inconsideration of others, primal instincts kick in and make us do things we might not otherwise.

Interesting on the fine to the tenant AND property manager.. I'll have to look into that here in Honolulu. Thanks!
Boy do I feel lucky. I used to ***** about the dog next door barking up a storm but now that don't seem to bad. Luckily we have a farm behind us and older fold around us. Some people just take no thought of the others that live around them. Nothing wrong with getting fed up by it.

Sent while running with scissors.
