No Country for Old Men



The Coen Bros. have done it again. This time around, I would rate this movie just as good as FARGO, if not better. If you like a good story, good action, intelligent progression in a movie then you too will approve "No Country for Old Men." Bardem, who plays the professional killer/assassin does an horrifyingly realistic portrayal of a killer. There were times were I was almost too horrified to look at him (Bardem), yet I could not turn my attention away from his strong presence. This movie was so good, I ordered two of Cormac's books from Amazon, after watching the movie.


I give it :thumbup::thumbup:
It came out in the theaters in the fourth quarter 2007. You can still catch in the movies, perhaps at smaller screenings.
I didn't particularly rate FARGO. It was good but it was no block buster. I have seen trailers for No country fo old men, it does look good though. Do you care to embelish the plot a bit.
good review, I'll head to the rental store and see if they have it.
agreed, best movie Ive seen in quite awhile. so many excellent complex characters.
Just saw this movie the other night :eek:! Man i loved it. Just my type of movie. Everything is very well thought out: the story, the script, the filming, the acting...its all way abouve average. Its a great story that is being told about different individuals. I was stuck on the screen from start to finish. Loved the intensity of the movie, as well as the fact that its all so simple...One of the greats :thumbup:
Someone I know said they didn't like the movie because it left too many loose ends. When questioned further, he said he didn't know if the chick died or what happened to the bad guy during the last five minutes.

I was like...dude, come on, that's why I like the movie. Use your own head and decide what happened. Do we need to spell out every detail for you?
its been six months in the making.

maybe i shouldnt spoil the ending of starwars episode 3 then either ;) :justkidding:
The Coen Bros. have done it again. This time around, I would rate this movie just as good as FARGO, if not better. If you like a good story, good action, intelligent progression in a movie then you too will approve "No Country for Old Men." Bardem, who plays the professional killer/assassin does an horrifyingly realistic portrayal of a killer. There were times were I was almost too horrified to look at him (Bardem), yet I could not turn my attention away from his strong presence. This movie was so good, I ordered two of Cormac's books from Amazon, after watching the movie.


I give it :thumbup::thumbup:
I purchased it last week.
It is a great film and I totally agree with your comments. The only thing I disliked was the ending. I frustrated me until I realised that the story is not the story at all.
You will know what I mean when you see it.

I have to agree, great great movie until the last 10 minutes. Left me wanting so much more.

Worth a rental fee though...
Someone I know said they didn't like the movie because it left too many loose ends. When questioned further, he said he didn't know if the chick died or what happened to the bad guy during the last five minutes.

I was like...dude, come on, that's why I like the movie. Use your own head and decide what happened. Do we need to spell out every detail for you?
Haha yeah i agree. Its good from time to time we make up our own minds! Its lets the viewer make his own ending, with our imagination and creativity. Like that we all experience something unique when we watch that movie. Then again maybe the end is just the way its supposed to be, but we have a hard time accepting that, so we go look for more because we cant just let go...:p Anyhow its a awesome movie :thumbup:

I finally watched this movie last night and I thought it was very good, right from the beginning. However, I did not care for the ending! It was definitely worth watching.
