

New Member
Does anyone have any suggestions on how they would recommend hooking neons up with a toggle switch on our bikes. Just just purchased some neons last night and not sure how I want to wire them. All the help would help.
i put the toggle switch under my seat coz i didnt feel like drilling any holes in the front plastic...(will probably do that later but...) for the time now under the seat is great no drilling or nothin, just zip tyed it underneath the bar that the rear seat rests on...
So I installed a few neons on my bike last night. I figured out a good way to install them for power. It actually was very simple, but just thought I would post how I installed them incase anyone was not sure.

1.) I started out by running a wire from the positive and negative off my battery. (2 seperate wires)

2.) Then connect the positive wire to one off the wires off the toggle switch.

3.) From their, you want to take the postive wires from the neon and connect it to the second wire off the toggle switch. (This will be how you are able to turn on and off the neons, if you didnt figure that out)

4.) After your done with that, you can connect the negative wire from the neons to the negative wire from the battery.

5.) Once you have all of your wires connected, you can mount the toggle switch anywhere. (I mounted my to the right of the Tach) Make sure you check where you are drilling at to make sure you dont drill into anything else.

Tip= You can connect as many neons to the positive annd negative wire from the battery. For the positve wire, make sure you connect after the toggle switch. When I connected the wires, I just twisted them together and wrapped it in electrical tape. Then to make sure the tape sealed around the wires good, I heated the tape up with a lighter. I used zip ties to help hold the wires so they wouldnt show. Make sure the wires dont touch the engine so they dont melt. For mounting the neons, I just used the screws that came with the kit. Just make sure that they dont screw into anything important.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here and I will try to answer them.
I was wondering what it would look like with light glowing from inside the ram-air vents. Very cool, indeed! :thumbup:
So I installed a few neons on my bike last night. I figured out a good way to install them for power. It actually was very simple, but just thought I would post how I installed them incase anyone was not sure.

1.) I started out by running a wire from the positive and negative off my battery. (2 seperate wires)

2.) Then connect the positive wire to one off the wires off the toggle switch.

3.) From their, you want to take the postive wires from the neon and connect it to the second wire off the toggle switch. (This will be how you are able to turn on and off the neons, if you didnt figure that out)

4.) After your done with that, you can connect the negative wire from the neons to the negative wire from the battery.

5.) Once you have all of your wires connected, you can mount the toggle switch anywhere. (I mounted my to the right of the Tach) Make sure you check where you are drilling at to make sure you dont drill into anything else.

Tip= You can connect as many neons to the positive annd negative wire from the battery. For the positve wire, make sure you connect after the toggle switch. When I connected the wires, I just twisted them together and wrapped it in electrical tape. Then to make sure the tape sealed around the wires good, I heated the tape up with a lighter. I used zip ties to help hold the wires so they wouldnt show. Make sure the wires dont touch the engine so they dont melt. For mounting the neons, I just used the screws that came with the kit. Just make sure that they dont screw into anything important.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here and I will try to answer them.

Step 1.5 - Make sure you put a fusible link on the positive wire before the toggle switch. This will protect the bikes electrical system if a wire gets cut or shorted.
I was wondering what it would look like with light glowing from inside the ram-air vents. Very cool, indeed! :thumbup:

Are the ram-air vents functional and could this cause a problem? This looks great and if they aren't functional vents I'm tempted to do it myself!
Are the ram-air vents functional and could this cause a problem? This looks great and if they aren't functional vents I'm tempted to do it myself!

Nope, they are not functional. They are just dead-end tunnels that look nice. :rolleyes:
Would LEDs have the same effect? Ohio is kind of funny about neons, if you can see the bulb they are illegal (it's considered a driver distraction). I figure I could hide LEDs a little better, is it feasible and would it give the same glow as neons?
I think it would have the same effect. It may even be brighter than actual neons.
Well the air vents do serve some what of a purpose. They will allow air to get to the motor. In the air vents, I actually used LED's. Then I added a couple 2 inch neon tubes to a couple other places.
Any chance of getting a run down on how you did what you did (where you put the switch how it's wired etc.)? I would love to do this to my bike!
I will try and post some pictures this weekend. I am currently in the middle of moving to my new apartment. Plus I just got some new parts in to install this weekend, So I can get some better photos posted. I will try and make a short video and post it. I will have it up by Sunday.
So if you forget to turn the switch off, they will stay on even if your bike is off correct? Knowing me, I would forget to turn them off and kill my battery.
You can set it up any way. If you want the lights to shut off when you shut your bike off, then just dont put a toggle switch on it. Personally, I like having my LEDs on when my bike is off. Your LEDs can stay on for hours with out killing your battery.
So if you forget to turn the switch off, they will stay on even if your bike is off correct? Knowing me, I would forget to turn them off and kill my battery.

I placed LED strips in the airs scoop and tied them to the turn signal wires. The blue with red stripe wire is the constant 12v when you turn the key. A butt splice there makes the + side. The black cable is ground, and adding a butt splice there makes the - side.

I taped the LED strip in the air scoop (yes, you can actually see the first LED from the front) and used the wire retainers that were already there, used a short wire for the butt splices and put disconnects on the other end.

Then, when I ran the other wire from the other LED strip (one on each side) I crimped on the matching disconnect end to both LED strips. Connect them, wrap them with a little electrical tape in case of rain, and I was done =)

Now, whenever I turn the bike off, the lights turn off too. Never have to worry about another switch or draining the batteries.
I know this is an old thread, but it's winter and I'm going to run some LEDs, so I have a couple of questions. How many LEDs are needed to:
1. Light up the intake scoops.
2. Create a glow under the bike.
3. Accent the front and rear tire.

There's a guy riding around on a CBR with blue lights and it looks awesome. I want to have the same subtle lighting effects, but I am always driving in the opposite direction so I can't ask him? Also, I don't want it so bright it looks like a UFO. For those with the experience, please help!

you're be better off building a relay off an ignition wire and the battery, that way the lights turn off when you turn off the key. my 2c.
