Need a faster, bigger, more powerful bike...

Brock Kickass

New Member
As I look into these SS liter bikes compared to SS 600's and see that it only shaves off a few seconds and increases top speed just slightly as well I don’t see what the hype is about to need more power?

that said I can’t say that I don’t salivate when I see these beautiful machines.

Anyhow my 6R is perfect for me! For now anyways. lol

For me, there was more to it than speed and power. An R6 is faster through the quarter and around a track then me, but it's a completely different bike. An R1 is mind-bending fast, but not what I was looking for. I like to take trips when I might be on my bike for 600 miles in a day, so the SS ergonomics were not an option.
The FZ1 has enough snot and good enough suspension to hang with SS bikes on a track, but, unlike a 600SS, makes usable power lower on the tach. Don't get me wrong; I completely understand that equally matched riders will be quicker through the turns and in the straights on a 600SS, but I can ride with an average rider, me on my FZ1 and them on an SS and they're not bored and waiting for me all day long.
The thing I was most dissatisfied with in my 6R was that I really felt like I was making it work hard to cruise at 75-80mph. Even in 6th, I was pretty high up on the tach and twisting the grip to keep moving along. When I talked to R6 owners, they told me there's no middle ground. It's useless in the low end, and you pretty much have to ride the piss out of it to enjoy it. My FZ1 can loaf along happily at 55, 75, or 95 mph without working very hard, and when you decide to take a swipe at it, it stands up and listens. Best of both worlds.
And no, I do not NEED an FZ1, an R1, an R6, or an FZ6R. They are all way too fast for anything sensible. However, my FZ6R was a pile of fun, and my FZ1 even more so. If I got around using only what I NEED, it would be a scooter most of the time and a pickup when I have a bunch of crap with me. Practical, but not very fun.


New Member
Every bike has its purpose. The 6R is a great bike. It is my first bike and I went from never riding to being able to drag my knee in the corners with it. Yea I could ride this bike forever and certainly be content with its ability. That being said. As soon I can I will buy a litre bike. I will keep my 6R for long touring rides but I will buy a litre bike for when I want that crazy adrenaline rush. Can a 6R beat a litre bike on a twisty road? Sure it can with the right combination of rider and turns. Will a litre bike beat a 6R in a straight line? Yea as long as the rider is willing to twist their wrist the right amount.

My point is, that every bike has its purpose. That purpose should be to keep its rider safe and happy. If the rider is an idiot and twists his/her wrist more than they can handle that is their fault and they will pay the price.

Happy Riding!


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Brock Kickass

New Member
Fact: A good rider on a _______ can crush a squid on a ________. This reminds me of a thread on another forum I participate in. If you're interested, check out a thread called "Raced An R1" on the FZ1OA Message Board.


New Member
I think a good way to look at power is to check out lots of reviews on each bike (e.g. youtube, magazines). The way power is delivered on each bike can vary widely and is important to how it will feel. Too much bottom end and the bike can be a real handful and unpleasant, too much top end and you have to go excessively fast to find the engine's sweet spot. There is no doubt that the FZ6R has a very well placed sweet spot for the streets.

I recently related an interest in the ZX-14R, initially it sounds like some kind of wasteful and unnecessary pursuit of power, but if you watch the videos and read the reviews, you find that there is a vast difference in the way it 'feels' to ride the ZX-14R vs the Hayabusa for example. They state that the ZX-14R is very enjoyable due to all the electronics (wheelie control, traction control, ABS, excellent fueling), whereas the Hayabusa is more of an experts bike with an unruley type nature (which some will prefer).

So, why would someone buy a ZX-14R? I mean: 'it's overkill', 'too heavy', 'liter bike is just as fast'; well, my reasons are: smooth power, virtually no vibration, retains SS ergos, plusher suspension. It's kinda like a big fat old school Cadillac, soft and powerful, a giant SS with touring potential, great in sweepers, less so in tight corners, and a freak rush on open straights, stable as hell. The bike is mostly known as a drag bike and a 'look at me, I have the worlds most powerful bike', but it turns out it is actually a pretty good sweeper-tourer-SS thing as well. I prolly won't end up getting one due to insurance and rear tire eating, but I betcha the bike is a lot of fun for the type of riding I do, and I definitely would like to experience it for awhile (maybe cash on a used one with liability only and have it as a second bike?)
