My 2011 Run to the Alps


New Member
Well another trip to the Austrian and Italian Alps. Also a few hundred miles in the Black Forest. 2650 miles in 9 days.

Hahntennjoch was stunning, an arid canyon runs upto the mountain pass.

Also did Passo di Giovo, Passo Pennes, Oberjoch, Arlberg Pass, Fluxenpass, Hochtannbergpass, Lechtal Valley, went over the Kandel in the blackforest.

Slipped into FL (the epitome of a tax-haven), went into Basel (rugged, industrialised Rhine city), Lorrach, Fussen (Neuswanstein castle looks cool), Innsbruck, Freiburg.I.B.

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Nice pics!

But HOLY SUITCASE, BATMAN! Those sidecases are HUGE! :eek:
Very cool!
