
New Member
I remember a discussion a while back about converting the speedo from MPH to KPH and such.. I dont know if anything actually came from it.. But I found this out today while I was getting gas. I went to hit the reset millage button but hit and held the select button on accident, and it changed the odo and speedo to kilometers.

Just a heads up for anyone in case nothing ever came from that other thread.


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I did the same thing the first time I gassed up, really screwed with my head as I got going down the road:eek:.... had to re-think what I had done to get it there and fix it at a stop light.
LOL...I did that, too! I was about a block down the road & noticed the speedo seemed really high & was like WTF...finally realized it said "kph" instead of "mph", pulled over to stop & change it back. It's a pretty cool feature, though, for those who take their FZ6r's overseas.


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