
6R Blackout

New Member
I was wondering how many of you have or have had a helmet mohawk, or is anyone thinking of putting one on your helmet? I am thinking of doing it, but not sure yet.:iconbeer:
oh boy really went there huh.....let the flaming begin :spank: j/k

its like anything else some will like it some will hate it , what matters is what you think about it opinion , its not for me but what ever floats your boat.
do it you could be as cool as this guy on a 250 squidin out :)


here let me help you with a few more festive ideas


or here are a few more options



in all honesty and fairness though bro if you like em do it, its not most peoples thing but it was very popluar for a while and still is in some areas. do what you like not what others do. thats what seperates you from them
I don't care for them, but maybe because the only people I've seen with them are squids :)
let me bring the nuts back into this second

oh yep there we go :)

hey whats a tacopurplejewelcactus taste like? Can I find this in vegas?
almost better then whats in vegas :)
I was wondering how many of you have or have had a helmet mohawk, or is anyone thinking of putting one on your helmet? I am thinking of doing it, but not sure yet.:iconbeer:
My mom always said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

To me they are pointless. Makes you look like a jackass.
In retrospect, maybe you should have asked how many insults can you get from a group of folks who don't like what you do?

Go for it.....

I wear a sponge bob back pack for fun on the occasion. Not to mention I get lonely on long trips by myself, so I bring a 4.5 foot curious george with on the back of the bike lol.
Maybe as a one off to get a few yuks, but not every day. I've never seen a respectable rider with one. Usually the guys in sweat pants and jackets, doing wheelies through traffic, drag racing from stop lights, and generally every example of why other motorists hate sportbikers.

The first couple people to do it had the novelty factor, like the people who do the pigtails or puppy dog ears now have, but that has long since passed for the mohawk.

Think about someone walking the streets with a mohawk haircut, if it's an actual native American celebrating their heritage, good on ya mate. Otherwise, not once have I seen a person sporting one of those and had the thought, "There goes a fine upstanding member of society. Why, I'll bet he's off to write a thesis to change humanity while blowing away every other nobel laureate with his brilliance."

Argumentum Absurdum? You bet ya, but you're asking the question because you're wondering if the rest of us feel the same way you secretly do about it, I'd bet anyway.

I wouldn't do it for the reasons mentioned above, but that's just my pleasure. If you want to, go right ahead and get one, Amerika is still a free country, for now anyway. Enjoy it.
I have a feeling it's one of those things where certain people are going to hate it no matter what kind of rider you are and how responsible you are. You can be ATGATT, but throw a mohawk on your helmet and people are going to assume you're an asshat. The real question is... do you care? A lot of people ride motorcycles despite how their loved ones and people they've never met give them a hard time about it. That makes it a bit surprising that those same people would give a fellow rider such a hard time about something so trivial, but that's human nature. If you want to rock a hawk, you just gotta say "Screw it" and not worry about what other people think. Just like if you wear one on your head.

For the record, I don't sport a real hawk, as my boss would not appreciate it and would reward me with a "day of reflection" at best, loss of job at worse. On the other hand, when I was a kid and didn't give an F what others thought and could get away with that...
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I have a feeling it's one of those things where certain people are going to hate it no matter what kind of rider you are and how responsible you are. You can be ATGATT, but throw a mohawk on your helmet and people are going to assume you're an asshat. The real question is... do you care? A lot of people ride motorcycles despite how their loved ones and people they've never met give them a hard time about it. That makes it a bit surprising that those same people would give a fellow rider such a hard time about something so trivial, but that's human nature. If you want to rock a hawk, you just gotta say "Screw it" and not worry about what other people think. Just like if you wear one on your head.

For the record, I don't sport a hawk, as my boss would not appreciate it and would reward me with a "day of reflection" at best, loss of job at worse. On the other hand, when I was a kid and didn't give an F what others thought and could get away with that...

What kind of boss cares what kind of helmet you have...?
