

New Member
Just curious how everyone's tires are wearing. I have over 3600 miles on mine, and they both have tons af tread left...almost look new. I was told, in general, tires last anywhere from 4000-6000 miles. Of course depending on compounds and riding style. The first 1500 miles was mostly break-in and canyon carving. The last 2000 miles has been freeway commuting. One of my co-workers bought the FJR a month before me and wore his front out in 2800 miles and his rear not far behind! Granted, its a heavier bike and he rode 2-up a lot. So, whats the verdict? Anyone have to get new tires yet?
just over 3000 here and the tires look brand new.. 4/5 of my riding is commuting though..
I'm headded towards 3000 miles and my tires still look new. I ride pretty calm. No burn outs and try to never lock up the breaks. I'm sure that would wear them out quicker. Lets see who can get the most miles out of the stock tires.
The type of riding has a lot to do with the tread time. More aggressive riding eats up the tires faster.

My husband got 8000 miles on a set of tire that everyone told him would only last 2500 - 3000. He's a 90% commuter. Technically, it was a nail that made him change, the tread was still fine.
Over 3k and almost like new. Had over 10k on the vtx and had plenty left on those.
I only got 43 miles out of my back tire:Flip:nails. But I got about 10k out of my last set of battlax on the 04 FZ6.
I'm over 3200 miles and still looking like new. I mostly commute on mine as well. Although, there is only about an 1/8th of an inch of chicken strip left on the rear tire. :rockon:
I have about 6500 miles on my bike now. I have started to get a flat spot, due to all the highway driving I do. But I still have a lot of tread left. The flat spot is starting to get a lil bad. I should be able to make it through the rest of this season, but I will need to get a new back tire at the beginning of next season. Any advice on a quick way to get rid of a flat spot. My buddy told me that he would help keep his tire round on his bike by lightly sanding the tire to make it a lil more round. That dosent sound like a good thing to do to me. Any advice, or am I going to just need to get a new tire. I still have a lot of tread left, but I have a flat spot. And No, I dont do burn outs if thats what anyone is thinking, lol.:confused:
I have about 6500 miles on my bike now. I have started to get a flat spot, due to all the highway driving I do. But I still have a lot of tread left. The flat spot is starting to get a lil bad. I should be able to make it through the rest of this season, but I will need to get a new back tire at the beginning of next season. Any advice on a quick way to get rid of a flat spot. My buddy told me that he would help keep his tire round on his bike by lightly sanding the tire to make it a lil more round. That dosent sound like a good thing to do to me. Any advice, or am I going to just need to get a new tire. I still have a lot of tread left, but I have a flat spot. And No, I dont do burn outs if thats what anyone is thinking, lol.:confused:

What you need to do is go out and have some fun! ;)

By this, I mean that you need to find a nice curvy road to help scrub down the sides of the tires. This will round out the flat spot naturally and will provide you with entertainment as well. The only way to get the sides of the tires worn is to use them, this requires you to lean the bike over through twists and turns. If you can't find any twisty roads, you can find a quiet neighborhood and do figure 8's around the blocks. Consecutive right turns, then consecutive left turns. Since you won't be going a long distance and not very fast, it will help from adding to the flat spot while using up more of the side of the tires.
Like 99vengeur said, ride it out on some curves. Sanding the tire round sounds scary. I could see it wobbling and all out of wack by sanding it. Plus, it's more fun riding and buiding your experience up by practicing tight turns and such. Just my thoughts...
how sticky would you guys say these OEM tires are? IM starting to push my baby harder in the turns, and seeing as how long these last, are they giving alot up on the sticky side? if so, maybe i should look at replacing with something stickier or a dual compound...?
how sticky would you guys say these OEM tires are? IM starting to push my baby harder in the turns, and seeing as how long these last, are they giving alot up on the sticky side? if so, maybe i should look at replacing with something stickier or a dual compound...?

They are pretty good OEM tires. I have about a 1/8-1/4 inch chicken strip remaining on the rear tire. I have gotten some pretty good lean out of them at fairly high speed. They aren't so sticky when they are cold, as with most tires, but once they are warm, they get pretty "grippy."
I agree, I'm pretty impressed with the OEM RoadSmart tires too. I've pushed them pretty hard and they have not given me any surprises. The other week I did a tight and twisty road in light rain and again was impressed. I'm not sure if I would trust them on the track once they got over heated, but they have earned my trust on the street.
how sticky would you guys say these OEM tires are? IM starting to push my baby harder in the turns, and seeing as how long these last, are they giving alot up on the sticky side? if so, maybe i should look at replacing with something stickier or a dual compound...?

The Dunlop Roadsmart is a dual compound tire. Firm rubber in center and softer to the outside. They've had good reviews too.
3100 mi and looking good. I was like wtf too, but they are good quality tires. 1/4 of my riding is up and down the twisties of HWY 74 in Southern Califronia. I do about a 160 mile loop with friends at least 1 every two weeks through here. Its a pretty good elevation too. I thinks its from 60ft below to about 8000ft. THe bike handles great and I have about 1/4 of chicken strip on the rear. I caught some drifting sand once and gave me a slight wobble, but a little throttle and it was good to go!
Im at 4200 miles and my back tire is looking pretty worn. Any ideas how much labor would run to get a new tire?
Im at 4200 miles and my back tire is looking pretty worn. Any ideas how much labor would run to get a new tire?

Many shops and dealers will mount and balance a tire for $15 or 20, if you buy the tire from them. Bring in a tire that you ordered off the web, and labor could be a lot more.
Just an update. I'm at 6200 miles now, and tires still have plenty of tread. That's about 80% freeway and 20% curves. I'm impressed with how well they are holding up. I've been meticulous with checking the tire pressure at least once a week too.
4000 here, look new...Ive gone full tilt a few times, usually between 30 - 50mph...scares the living h**l out of me every time those pegs scrape. quite impressed with the bike overall.

4000 here, look new...Ive gone full tilt a few times, usually between 30 - 50mph...scares the living h**l out of me every time those pegs scrape. quite impressed with the bike overall.

yeah, i ride mine very hard now, in twisties or highway atleast a couple times a week... this bike has no prob's keeping up with all my friends on CBRS, an R6 and a resol 1K... (on the street that is)

mine handels very well though, which i have diff tested out since ive dragged peg a couple times now...

the truth will come out when i go to the track this OCT 2nd!!:D:thumbup:. Hopefully she holds togather well, haha... especially since i think the clutch may be slipping a little under full acceleration shifts:confused: (only 1700miles on it)
