Kids and motorcycles :thumbup:


New Member
I have never seen someone who likes motorcycles as much as my 18 month old son. Every time he sees a motorcycle he yells "VROOM VROOM!" Sometimes he asks to go to the garage so he can sit on my bike and make engine noises and pretend hes riding it.



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I have my son ON my bike now. He is 8, full gear of course. The best is the looks HE gets from the other kids!! I get the what a horrible dad look from other parents lol! I will say though some are just amazed at us when we go into get coffee and chocolate milk, I get the typical questions how can I put a boy on a bike? Why would I do that? am I nuts? blah blah.... He is the best riding passenger I have ever had. He also loves going, and is dying to go camping this year off it.

I will say, it is the ultimate reward program for him. He does try extra hard at school, and clean up his room???? HELL YA!!!! lol!
that's pretty cool... I would like to take my nephew out with me as a reward system for him. I know he's always eye ballin my bike when I stop by with it. I know something like that would be a really good reward system for him.


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