I've said it before, but I love it!


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Well said. That is exactly how I feel when I'm riding also. People at work give me grief over coming into work on the bike when it's 30 degrees but I don't care. I ATGATT with plenty of layers underneath and give myself enough time to degear and go about my day. Like the saying goes. Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.


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I get it. I'm superman. When I throw the leg over my wonderful machine, Tora Tanshi, I am Superman. I can fly. Time and experience have taught me to wear the gear, to be ATTGAT. Everyone at work thinks I'm crazy for riding a motorcycle when it's as cold as it is. Why do I do it? Because nothing on Earth makes me feel like riding a motorcycle does. I am superman. Cold weather or not, I don't want to let that feeling go.

They see me in my gear. They forget that I wore it all summer long. Everything I own is perforated for the long summers, here. I've got to wear layers underneath. Upper thirthies at night, when I ride home from work. Still I ride. Hands so cold, I can barely unbuckle my helmet when I get home. Still I ride.

Why? I could take my car to work. Then I am just one of them. I choose to ride. I am Superman. I can pass that slow-ass vehicle in it's own length. I fly and manuever down the back roads and highways as though I have wings.

I ride because I must. I ride because it is who I am. My bike is my soul, made machine. Together, we are whole. I ride.
Well said. The only time I don't commute to work on my bike is when rain is imminent - living in san diego, however, i rarely don't get to ride.
