It might not have any meaning 4 U


New Member
Steve McQueen jumping that Triumph over the fence in "The Great Escape" was one of the first great motorcycle scenes in the movies. The year was 1963 and it was one of the reasons I got into riding motorcycles.

History is that they made a Triumph up to look like the BMW that he rode in the movie just for the jump scene and he did it himself.
The German motorcycle from 'The Great Escape'

So while I was in HollyWierd today walking down Hollywood Blvd and the "Walk of Stars" I spied this



Active Member
Steve McQueen.... :bow:


Active Member
Actually, Steve did all of the riding EXCEPT for the jump. The studio wouldn't let him do it for insurance reasons. He also did the riding for most of the Germans chasing him because the stunt riders couldn't keep up with him. With good editing, you actually see Steve McQueen chasing Steve McQueen. He rocked!


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