Is it a sign?


New Member
We have a community bathroom at my work which is shared with about 6 offices or so.. So I go in there and come to find a gift, but not just any gift..

A PBR light, UNOPENED! Boy did I want it but how gross would that be, drinking a can of beer found in the bathroom haha!

Not that PBR is even that good, light is even worse, but it would totally help get me though the day :D
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New Member
So, seriously, did you drink it?


New Member
sadly its still sitting where I found it, my boss seen it and offered anyone willing to drink it $5 :D


New Member
Ya know that $5 you could win would buy a few more....


New Member
Its gone today, who knows where it went haha! There is no trash can in the bathroom either so... :confused::confused::confused:

I have a similar story, except, it was a yogurt and it was in Iraq! Someone had decided to eat a yogurt in a Porta-Potty in 120 degree heat! I found the evidence sitting next to the seat! There are strange people out there!
