If You Were Legend, Would You Survive?



I saw the movie I AM LEGEND this week. Throughout the movie, I kept thinking about my Zombie plan. No, technically, zombies are different from virus mutated humans, but a good zombie plan should be able to handle both. Both tend to attack in mass (in-Human) waves, are pretty strong, cannot be reasoned with, are fearless and do not appear to use modern weapons (note the Egyptian zombies in the movie The Mummy)

So, here is my updated zombie/mutant plan:

It is just me and a small number of living uninfected people
No military experience
Only need to hold them off till sunrise
Can pick my stronghold

night vision glasses (not good for zombies, but good for mutants)
MK-19 40 mm grenade launcher (machine gun that fires grenades)
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) (light machine gun/w 200 round magazine)
M4 assault rifle
9 mm hand gun
samuari sword
rubber duck suit (possibly effective for zombies, but not for mutants)
and of course, lots of ammo

The grenade launcher will allow me to maintain a 360 degree 2000 meter perimeter. If anything gets trough or I run out of grenades, the SAW will alow me to maintain a 800-500 meter perimeter. It is also portable, so I can fall back if necessary. The M4 is needed in case the SAW overheats or jams. The 9 mm is an almost last resort, and the sword is the last resort to be used 5 minutes before sunrise.

I'd say if I had 5-10 people, I could hold off an army of zombies/mutants for a night.

Are you guys going to stick to your old zombie plans, in light of the new mutant threat?
i might include a flame thrower in there as well. I would want it hooked to a natural gas line to ensure plenty of flame to last the night.
Claymore mines, and a secure area with very limited access points. My house is useless. Glass doors, to many doors, piss poor lines of fire, two huge aproaches that cant be seen.

I would have to go to the school, its a good defensable position.
I like the grenade launcher and Saw solution.
A thompsons sub machine gun with a few drums, would be very effective as well.

I havent seen I am Legend yet but I want to. Getting the hell out of any big city would be first on my order of priority.
The movie was originally done by Vincent Price (The last man on Earth), then by NRA leader Charleton Heston (Omega Man) and now by the Fresh Prince himself. A far cry from his days as a new upcoming rapper. Did not get to see the Vincent Price version but I did like Heston's take on it. Buddy of mine has a copy in HD format, will watch it tomorrow and see how it is. Sucks to be the only human left while the rest of the planet is trying to kill him (Will Smith). Would be cool if Blade was his partner along with the rest of the Kick *ss Superheroes. I'd pay to watch it.
I saw the movie I AM LEGEND this week. Throughout the movie, I kept thinking about my Zombie plan. No, technically, zombies are different from virus mutated humans, but a good zombie plan should be able to handle both. Both tend to attack in mass (in-Human) waves, are pretty strong, cannot be reasoned with, are fearless and do not appear to use modern weapons (note the Egyptian zombies in the movie The Mummy)

So, here is my updated zombie/mutant plan:

It is just me and a small number of living uninfected people
No military experience
Only need to hold them off till sunrise
Can pick my stronghold

night vision glasses (not good for zombies, but good for mutants)
MK-19 40 mm grenade launcher (machine gun that fires grenades)
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) (light machine gun/w 200 round magazine)
M4 assault rifle
9 mm hand gun
samuari sword
rubber duck suit (possibly effective for zombies, but not for mutants)
and of course, lots of ammo

The grenade launcher will allow me to maintain a 360 degree 2000 meter perimeter. If anything gets trough or I run out of grenades, the SAW will alow me to maintain a 800-500 meter perimeter. It is also portable, so I can fall back if necessary. The M4 is needed in case the SAW overheats or jams. The 9 mm is an almost last resort, and the sword is the last resort to be used 5 minutes before sunrise.

I'd say if I had 5-10 people, I could hold off an army of zombies/mutants for a night.

Are you guys going to stick to your old zombie plans, in light of the new mutant threat?

I would pick a cave with a small entrance point (a bunker of some sort), did a very wide and deep trench and fill it with enough petrol to fry those mutants. Of course before the the trench will be claymore infested area...say 5 city blocks worth. Automated machine guns and since they are afraid of sunlight.. enough UV light (is that right) source to burn the pupils off those muties. Having my own greenhouse and underground water supply would be great too.
Lots of porn might help too, LOL. To pass the time, just in case I haven't found any female survivors. BTW did someone notice if these so called muties eat brains for snacks. I hate those types.
I'd have a catapult made out of old knicker elastic and run around in a tarzan thong... That should do the trick.

My Zombie plan... :)

Easy. My ancient dog Kate is the baddest *** ever and would see off all manner of zombies, even though it takes her 3 minutes to get up from lying down.
went last week not a bad movie, will be better if you havent seen omega man so you dont have any idea of what was to come

I haven't seen the movie yet, but my son says don't forget that this virus is airborne. Either you'd have to be immune or be some place where airborne viruses can't get to you. He said if you ever see on the news that a British Hillary Clinton look-alike is trying to cure cancer with the measles virus, then it's time to head on down to Antarctica and hide.
