I just got toasted.

ah, I must be thinking of someone else then..

Best wishes to Mike though getting through his issues
Uh... wasn't that JSpansel that totaled his 6R? Hit a fence etc.. in a blind curve? Oyi.. I don't remember who.. I'm so terrible!! AHHHHH!!!

Mike buddy.. I wish you well as I know it's been a long road since Dec..

I did, and it was a mountain face ;). Not a blind curve, but I pretty much fell asleep while riding and went right through the corner. Major fail :surrender:
^ happens to even the most experienced riders... glad u r ok and still with us Jay :)

just as an example, one of my friends who's been riding for almost 30 years had 2 mishaps recently that he shared with us... mind you, i've ridden with him many times and have seen that he is a very capable rider- very fast, but also very controlled.

anyhow his first recent mishap was on new tires in the left turn lane at an intersection when an asshole car suddenly decided that they wanted to turn left too- after already committing to go straight- and suddenly forced wedged themselves into the left turn lane. he said it was either dump the bike or get hit by that guy, who drove off btw and never even saw him. (WTF!)

second incident was in the canyons... my friend said he was out riding with bunch of friends and was starting getting hungry thinking whether or not to have pizza for lunch and just as he was thinking pizza, he took a turn too fast and plowed right up a retaining wall and flipped over. luckily, he's ok in both cases.

so, it happens to everyone. just remember never to let your mind wander when riding. :)
second incident was in the canyons... my friend said he was out riding with bunch of friends and was starting getting hungry thinking whether or not to have pizza for lunch and just as he was thinking pizza, he took a turn too fast and plowed right up a retaining wall and flipped over. luckily, he's ok in both cases.

so, it happens to everyone. just remember never to let your mind wander when riding. :)

Exactly. That is a big issue when riding. Pretty much what happened to me. No sleep the night before, and a rock just put a huge chip in my brand new visor. I was angry and extremely tired and totally spaced out staring at the chip in my visor.... BOOM. Lesson learned haha.

yah... when tired or if it's too hot or too cold outside, it's better either to (a) not ride, or (b) keep the ride short.

whenever i've pushed myself when i'm tired or go too far if i'm tired or if outside temps are too hot/ too cold, that's always when my brain starts to fart during the last leg of the ride. and, it gets dangerously sucky. just not worth it, as i've had some close calls myself.

never ever again. :)
