highway riding is horrible!

I switched to an Icon mainframe helmet and i found that it reduced the wind buffeting significantly.

Guys, I'm sorry if I came off like an ass hole just then. I just dealt with a stupid pain in the ass issue with my job (which I HATE to begin with) after hours, while I'm on vacation. :mad: So I was a little hacked off and not exactly in a good mood. I shouldn't have worded it that way.

I've heard a lot of newer riders complain about things like wind, noise, etc... like it's a major surprise to them that their out in the elements now that their on a bike. And like Dart mentioned, I didn't completely read the post, made an assumption, and being in a pissed off mood, put up a smart ass post. And I apologize.

After reading your post, I agree, riding on the freeway around other cars can be tough. Hummers and those stupid little rice rockets with the pointless carbon fiber wings make the most turbulence behind them. And simi's just need to be avoided at all costs. I don't ride on the freeway if I can help it but I've found tucking down works well with the tinted double bubble helps, especially with the cross winds.

no harm, no foul... we all have bad days and at one point or another jump on a comment before we read it all.. I too was having a bad day when I jumped back...
