heat coming up


New Member
just wondering if its just normal, im used to a full fairing bike where i never felt it rise up like this. but is it normal to feel waves of heat rising up on me, whenever im stoped at a light or whatever i can feel the heat rise up from the engine to my legs up to my chest, sucks on a hot day. but if thats normal than im not worried,. now i know what a lobster feeks like when i steam it.
I ride in Florida and I burn up at stop signs and lights and it is normal.
I'm coming off a little air-cooled bike and experience the same heat. I think it's normal as the radiator runs 190 deg.
I don't really notice with ATGATT... gear does a great job at blocking the heat. :D
Gear makes you cooler, because after setting at a light for 3 min. you are soaking with sweat and when you take off its like stepping out of a pool. I love it though, I can't ride correctly without my jacket and boots on I don't feel one with the bike without them. I feel like I am perched on top of the bike instead of being part of its design if that makes since? I am now ready for some pants to go with the gear.
It's normal. I experience it as well on my FZ6R.
I don't really notice much heat except for right foot because of where the exhaust/cat converter is.
Not in Florida, ATGATT adds to the heat.:eek:

Stryken is correct. Proper gear keeps you cooler. He's very much on target with the sweat and cooling factor. Plus, the gear keeps the direct sunlight off your skin and when you're moving it is a lot cooler temp underneath.

Try a good mesh two piece (jacket with overpants) and you'll find that this is the truth.

I look at it this way, it is MUCH easier to wash off sweat than blood. :thumbup:

Stryken, I feel the same way without gear. It's like I'm riding naked without every piece on but I've only done this once in the last 4 years. I had a quick errand to run at lunch during work and didn't gear up. I felt so insecure on the bike and never wanted to be out there again without ATGATT! :rockon:
I agree about not having all my gear. I had to move my bike across campus and put everything on except my gloves. Even with helmet, boots, and jacket, I still felt uneasy without my gloves. :squid:
I do it a lot and I am wrong for not wearing ATGATT. I mostly ride with just a helmet and gloves. But I am forcing myself to wear the jacket and purchase some pants and boots soon.
just wondering if its just normal, im used to a full fairing bike where i never felt it rise up like this. but is it normal to feel waves of heat rising up on me, whenever im stoped at a light or whatever i can feel the heat rise up from the engine to my legs up to my chest, sucks on a hot day. but if thats normal than im not worried,. now i know what a lobster feeks like when i steam it.

Some heat is normal, I can really feel it when the fan comes on sitting in traffic. Proper gear does help with heat. If you really want to cook, ride a 2003-2006 Yamaha FJR. That bike is hot on a 75 degree day and intolerable on a 85 degree day. If it is over 90 degrees out, avoid any form of city riding, you will be well done in 15 minutes.:eek:
Definitely agree with not feeling connected to the bike without gear. Just the other day I needed to run to the bank. Its only 5 blocks away on 25 - 35 mph roads. I was in a rush so I just grabbed my helmet and ran out the door:spank::spank::spank::spank::spank:. I felt so uncomfortable and disconnected from what I was doing I will NEVER do that again ATGATT FTW:rockon::rockon:
I agree about not having all my gear. I had to move my bike across campus and put everything on except my gloves. Even with helmet, boots, and jacket, I still felt uneasy without my gloves. :squid:

I know what you mean even without the gloves the bike feels completely different, like its not as controllable.
Radiator fan kicks in at 212 degrees. This is when I feel extreme amounts of heat coming up to my thighs and chest when ever I'm stopped at a light.
I saw my temp somewhat higher than normal and saw the radiator fluid level low. In case it slipped by, remember to check that as the reservoir really isn't all that large.
I feel that heat all the time on the FZ. Even WITH all my gear on. And yes, gear keeps you cooler when moving, but sitting at a light, with a 180 degree breeze wafting up from below, sun beating down, and covered head to toe.....well, call me crazy, but that does not feel cool to me at all.... As soona s I got my fairings for my SV, I stopped excpeiencing this heat on my bike, and if/when Rob gets fairings for the FZ, I will stop feeling it on his bike as well.

I feel that heat all the time on the FZ. Even WITH all my gear on. And yes, gear keeps you cooler when moving, but sitting at a light, with a 180 degree breeze wafting up from below, sun beating down, and covered head to toe.....well, call me crazy, but that does not feel cool to me at all.... As soona s I got my fairings for my SV, I stopped excpeiencing this heat on my bike, and if/when Rob gets fairings for the FZ, I will stop feeling it on his bike as well.

Don't make him ruin the looks of his FZ just for you!!

