Handling...Seat and Bar positioning


New Member
Hi guys,

Hoping this has not been covered...I recently got my a** of the couch and raised the seat and rolled the under-the-bar adjusters forward. Needless to say this has made a huge change in the handling....

My question is on the best handling geometry for this bike. I am about 5'11". If I was 6'3" or bigger I don't think there would be a question... I moved the bars forward and raised the seat. I would have to say raising the seat is a good thing but what about the bars? When it comes to handling sport bikes make it clear raising the seat and lowering the bars to move more weight over the front end makes a positive difference in handling. What about moving the bar front/back position?

Should I keep the bars forward or should I move them back to the rear position in order to create the best bike geometry? I am thinking keeping them in the stock 'rear' position would be best....

would like to hear your thoughts!


^I think I shall do the same, tucking in with stock settings is weird, since I'm so small I can tuck pretty nicely around my bike.
