


Just saw this movie tonight *Hanc0ck* Was expecting to see lots of "in your face" visuals and special effects, and i did see some cool stuff, not as much as i thought but thats not a bad thing. If you've seen the previews you've seen alot of the special effect scenes in the movie. I was suprised by the depth of the story. The acting is top notch once again for Will Smith and the other main characters (the very beautiful Charlize Theron & charismatic Jason Bateman). They managed to make me feel deeply for the characters, which is what the movie is more about...how Hankock deals with his special powers, about who he is, why he is...I will say no-more because i dont want to spoil :p
Overall good movie, i'd give it a 8/10 :thumbup:
Thanks! I really like all of Will Smith's movies. I think he is a great actor and can sell a role easily. (Unlike Kevin Costner!!!) Can't wait to see it!

We're taking two nieces to see Wall-E this weekend so if no one has reviewed, I'll do a write up. :D
Will Smith gets a little rich for me in most of his movies, although I liked him in Legend (maybe because he didn't talk as much, heh.) I was afraid Hancook would be more of his previous style. Thanks for the review!
I gave Hanc0ck a 3 out of 5. Not bad, just not up to his great performances in - my fave - I Robot. Or Happyness. Or MIB. Still worth seeing though.

PS: I thought the camera work at the start was amateurish - but perhaps they were trying to go for the "Blair Witch" look. yuck. Fortunately camera stability got better later (for the most part). While some may think "handheld palsy" is "arty" I'll take the steadycam shot any day.
Ok. Saw this one after Wall-E and it was better than what I'm reading here. I love the fact that the trailers don't give hardly ANY of the actual story away and this has a few twists! I thought it was well done and rates another Blue Ray purchase. My wife is a stronger critic and liked it even more than I did.

I'll admit, we are biased because we thoroughly enjoy Will Smith's talent.
I saw it and I liked it alot. I love Will Smith movies, as well as super hero/power movies... I thought it was fun, and it had some twists..
Sweet. Hanc0ck is now on my to see list! Also joining that list is the new HULK and new Batman movie.

BTW, speaking of superheros, I've seen Ironman. Downey Jr's perfomance was good. An entertaining flick. Recommended.

Thanks to a generous girlfriend I get free yearly access to the cinema in my capital city. This was a movie I jumped on the bike for, drove 100 miles to my home, a further 30 miles to the capital city and then to the cinema....and I can safely say I was not disappointed.

Many people say the story line is rubbish...but I found it very clever and very entertaining.

Well worth the watch! :)
