Funny videos to start your day

and she wants to sue.. "The American way" these days.... so sad.


"play it back, play it back"... "there she goes... and boom"

YouTube - Woman Falls Into Fountain at Mall While Texting and Walking

By the way that mall is not that far from me. About 45 minute drive. But remember I live in the middle to no where so that is close to me! The best part is that she is filed a lawsuit against the mall. What a dipsh*t! No wonder people wreck cars using cellphones. This one can't even walk and use one!
By the way that mall is not that far from me. About 45 minute drive. But remember I live in the middle to no where so that is close to me! The best part is that she is filed a lawsuit against the mall. What a dipsh*t! No wonder people wreck cars using cellphones. This one can't even walk and use one!

heard on the news yesterday that she wants to sue the people responsible for putting this video on youtube. She also said that the reason she is suing the mall is because no one came to see if she was alright. She said what if it was your grandmother or somebody else... well, my grandmother wasn't that stupid. And she was fine, obviously, as evidenced by how fast she got out of there. She is just embarassed and doesn't want to own up to how stupid and uncoordinated she is. It's not anyone elses fault but her own. If ever there was an example for Tort Reform this is it.
BTW, the Mall fired the Security Guard who posted this to youtube.
Your What?

Video from a moto vlogger im subscribed to on youtube of his daughter. This is so cute and I laughed so hard I had to share.

[ame=""]Your What?[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Ninja Parade Slips By Town Unnoticed Once Again[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Anonymous Hero Donates Hospital 200 Human Kidneys[/ame]
lol momma got scareddd

[ame=]YouTube - The Sneezing Baby Panda[/ame]
the dad hitting the kid playing kinect is comedy

[ame=]YouTube - INDIAN ACTION[/ame]
Why every guy should buy their girlfriend Wii Fit.


[ame=""]Why every guy should buy their girlfriend Wii Fit. [/ame]
Who said SPEED signs don't work? This video kinda supports that thought.
[ame=]YouTube - AH!Believable-Vol. 1-"Ridiculous Speed Sign"[/ame]
i seen this video somewhere, hope it wasn't here...

[ame=]YouTube - Don't Wanna See a Naked Grandma![/ame]
Those last two were pretty funny!!
[ame=]YouTube - The World's Largest Gummy Worm[/ame]
