DIY Remove Stickers / Decals


New Member
The FZ6Rs come with lots of decals on them, especially yellow and blue models. The stickers can be easily removed. This tutorial will show you how it is done. All the stickers and decals can be removed using this method. :D

NOTE: A heat gun or hair dryer makes the process quicker, easier, and cleaner. However, when using a heat gun, do not point it in one spot for too long... make waves or circles on the stickers with it.

So, here is a look at some of the stock stickers. There are two on the gas tank and two on the windshield. I also removed the 3-shooting-stars decals off my Cadmium Yellow model, leaving only the large star on either side.

Here are some before shots of the decals I'm referring to...


Optional... bring your bike into your workplace office so you can look busy and people won't bother you :D


Now, use the heat gun or hair dryer, and make waves slowly back and forth across the decals, starting from the area you will begin peeling from (some kind of corner). You only need a few seconds (top 10-15) to get the glue warm enough.

Once you have it warmed up, begin peeling the sticker from a corner. Make U-shapes as you pull it off to leave less residue behind. It also helps to pull the sticker straight towards you, rather than peeling it all the way back.


The decals on the sides of the bike are actually quite strong, so you can pull pretty hard, although they don't put up much of a fight. The stickers on the fuel tank are a little more difficult, but don't apply too much heat on the gas tank... just enough to soften them up.

The stickers on the windshield come off easily with a little heat.

So, by now your stickers are off! Mine didn't leave much residue... I simply washed the bike and most came off. If not, I recommend WD-40 as some here have used it successfully.

Here are the results before the wash...


And you're done! :D

Now, a few extra pics as a treat...





Senaca :canada:
Hummm...I like the clean look with the "shooting stars" gone. I might just have to wander out to the garage and take a close look at mine.
looks alot better :thumbup:
Very nice! ...making me wish I had gotten a yellow one!
on the white models, the decals on the tank are under the clear it possible to get that off?

Only if you sand down the clear coat but then you would have to re-paint. Someone had the dealer do it for them and they did a black paint covering the sides. Looked pretty sick.
definitely too much work. i did a quick photoshop of what it would look like without...i could go either way with or without the decals.

on another note, great how to! took off my tank and windshield decals!
I've got the yellow as well - at the moment, happy to leave the stars. Looks great either way.

I was thinking about removing those 3 stars as well but couldn't visualize what the bike would look like...thanks for posting pics! Really helps!
So, by now your stickers are off! Mine didn't leave much residue... I simply washed the bike and most came off. If not, I recommend WD-40 as some here have used it successfully.

Rubbing alcohol also works quite well in getting rid of the residue :thumbup:
I just did this a couple weeks ago. What a difference it makes to the look of the bike. I have received soooo many compliments since I did this amazingly simple mod. Everyone is saying how much nicer my bike looks! :D
I took my stickers off a few days ago and I really like the look. I used a hairdryer which made the stickers come off quite a bit easier, but there is still a large amount of black adhesive gunk left on the plastic. So far people have reccomended WD-40, GoofOff, Rubbing Alcohol and I was wondering if any of them have a possibility of discoloring/shading the plastics? As well as which one works the best?
I took my stickers off a few days ago and I really like the look. I used a hairdryer which made the stickers come off quite a bit easier, but there is still a large amount of black adhesive gunk left on the plastic. So far people have reccomended WD-40, GoofOff, Rubbing Alcohol and I was wondering if any of them have a possibility of discoloring/shading the plastics? As well as which one works the best?

I didnt use any chemical, etc. Duct tape! Works great and pulls it all off. Just put it on and pull it off a bunch of times and it will get all the stickies off. The side decals were a little harder, but it eventually got it all. I didnt want to chance using anything else on it. Washed and waxed after, clean and shiny.
I officially hate the gunk that is left behind after you pull of those decals. My fingertips are raw. I also hate you Mr. Warming Sticker on my gas tank. You suck. I am going to try the duct tape method then the sticker gunk remover method if duct tape fails. Although duct tape has never failed me.
the duct tape method will not fail. Heat gun, duct tape and plastic scraper took me less than 5 minutes. use some scratch x or some polishing compound to get off the remaining residue left on the outside edges of where the sticker was and follow up with a nice waxing of the tank.
Used the old hair dryer and some rubbing alcohol on my raven. The first one was a bit of learning curve as far as how much heat to put on the sticker but the second one came right off with minimal residue. I also found that the trick to the rubbing alcohol is to soak the rag you are using so that it really gets into the stickum and breaks it down. Hope this helps anyone looking to remove some decals.:D
I am pissed. I got very impatient and a little overzealous so now I have some scratches on the tank from that stupid warning sticker. Is there something I can do to fix it if I went through the clear coat a little bit? Is this a catastrophic screw up??

Feeling stupid....
just a bit of polishing compound should take the scratches out. Meguiars ScratchX is what i ended up using. Follow that up with polish and you should be good to go.

I went to walmart and got 3M Adhesive Remover for $7.00 and this stuff is absolutely awesome. Sprayed it on a paper towel and you don't even have to rub, the adhesive came right off in a matter of seconds.
