Dainese Alien Leather Pant Review


Lord Humongous
Elite Member
I wish I had your dough bro,,,nice pants! and the rest of your gear is amazing as well. You have the exact helmet I wanted :-/ lol btw is it quiet or kinda loud?

on another note..Crotchal region?.....hahahahaha
I love how all my highly technical terminology in my reviews amuses you. ;)

I don't have a great frame of reference for the helmet volume as this is my first helmet. However, while I don't dislike the helmet, if I were to go back I'd buy something different.

It is a loud helmet, IMO. The flip up only comes in handy when you are putting the helmet on or taking it off. You almost HAVE to have it flipped up. I can put a Shoei on no problem, but because of the chin bar mechanism, I can't get this on or off without flipping up the chin.

The integrated shades inside are kinda cool, but frankly I'd just rather a smoked visor or their transitions lens, and this feature would then be rendered moot.

And for all these "features" that I kind of find not very necessary, you sacrifice Snell rating and likely a little safety.

Don't get me wrong, I like the helmet, and I think it is excellent value for the price ($209). And the one feature I love love love is the magnetic chin strap catch. Way better than a snap. The venting is really good too.

But if I did it over again, I might buy a Shoei RF1100. And I probably still will.

Oh, and the helmet fits great too. Oval shape. The Shoei is far more comfy, but a touch narrow in my cheeks. The Bell fits really nice, but just isn't as comfy, but that should be obvious, there's a massive price difference.

Oh, and you def don't wish you had my dough. As of yesterday, I'm not drawing a paycheck anymore. Tuesday was my last day at my old job (10.5 years.) I started my own company...so my life savings are tied up in it, and I probably won't actually start drawing a paycheck for a few months. PB&J sammiches never tasted so good!

I have the bell vortex, maybe you should try one...its amazing and on sale most places for $99....im proud of you for your new company endevor...mind if you tell us what it is your going to do now?
