Cycle Sector... Doubts


New Member
So, being part of the R6-Forum there are tons of deals, vendors, group buys and what not going on. I hear a lot about motomummy, ridersdiscount (bought a couple of items from them), agg racing, and Cycle Sector.

Disco or Diego owns an R6 himself and is a member on the forums/vendor. I know JonKerr has great reviews on Cycle Sector and they took care of him. Thus, I thought Cycle Sector was a good small business but now... I'm having doubts. Just read this thread:

Cycle Sector Scammed Me... : Yamaha R6 : R6 Forum

Apparently many people have had some screw-ups as well.
Like someone posted on the forum though, no matter who was wrong or right, a company is not an individual and has to look at the bigger picture.

The owner should have taken the high road to assure everyone that this is an isolated incident and that they take mistakes or miscommunication very seriously to keep all the customers content and happy. Offer an apology and go on.

Instead the owner engaged in the back and forth therefor making him and his company very unprofessional and infantile. So instead of diffusing the situation, other consumers get ticked and added more fuel to the fire. $40 restocking fee will now cost the company a ton of lost business - word gets around fast these days through the internet. Yipes!

Oh well, I hope to not deal with this company in the future.
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Instead the owner engaged in the back and forth therefor making him and his company very unprofessional and infantile. So instead of diffusing the situation, other consumers get ticked and added more fuel to the fire. $40 restocking fee will now cost the company a ton of lost business - word gets around fast these days through the internet. Yipes!

Exactly what I'm thinking. You're the "owner" of a small company. Should no there isn't any excuses (battery died on the phone, customer yelling at wife). It sucks I know, I used to work as a server but you need to be professional all the time, especially being the "owner". Save face, the customers would complain where I work now where something is "wrong" but in reality it isn't. I just go with their "fact" for that moment so that we can continue to serve them.

Lose money one day but gain money in the future.
Diego responded by justifying the company's response to the situation and placing blame on the customer as well.

According to the customer, the information Diego is providing is false as well and Diego changed the data on the website to back his 'policy' only on that specific item as they were talking about - seen as shady because all other clearance items do not contain the information Diego added after the fact.

So, this went on and kept coming back to rebut instead of just nipping it in the bud and take it to PM. Other people chimed in and took his argument apart, etc... So, every time he came back to say something, it looked like he dug himself a deeper whole.

He should have just apologized and took it to PMs. Who knows, it's not me nor my company but looking from the outside, it just looks bad and will keep me from dealing with them.
I've met Walt, he goes by 3rd geer on the r6 forums, and he doesn't seem like the type of custumer to do something like this. He has bought a crazy number of parts for his r6 and his wife's new kawi zx6r. After spending like 2,500 bucks at Diego's store, or something around that figure, Diego should have been the better man.

I suggest you just do a quick read through the thread, it's very interesting facts supporting Walt's case made by not Walt, but random members who have searched evidence themselves. It was like reading a good mystery or watching a good CSI episode. :thumbup:
Oh I'm not saying Diego isn't at fault. He should have stepped up and just taken care of it. That's why it's such a shock to hear something is I know Diego Personally and can't imagine him not doing so. Makes me wonder what the other side of the story is. I didn't bother to read through the whole thread. Did Diego come on an respond to the post?

I would say both sides are at fault but with Diego being a business owner he should have more restraint and handled it more professionally.

Diego did respond to the thread but as mentioned Walt (3rd-Gear or the customer) says what he posted were lies.

Like above, he spent about $2,500, I don't know about you but if someone were to spend that amount of money for my business then I would go head over heels to keep that customer happy.

Pretty much, Diego kept making the situation worse. With the argument over the restocking fees etc about $50, he lost a bunch of customers because of this.

20 some pages of thread is a tough read, but they seem like a great group of guys. Seriously though, "my phone battery dies"?? A restocking fee? because the item won't sell quickly? Changing the website after purchase? How does anyone in good faith ever buy from this company in the future?
