Argh! It's the end!!!!


New Member
Damn.... :banghead:

Snow (very light, but still) in the evening last night... and crazy frost this morning....

Guess that's it for me this season... well, that and I'm going on a trip shortly, so that'll take more time away...

Put the bike up on the stands in the garage tonight... now I want to cry... :(


New Member
I had a dream I was riding in the snow last night :) Just get some dirt bike tires and call it a new season :)


New Member
Man I could not live. I am in FL and ride all year,, not to rub that in but you could always move where it DOESEN'T SNOW!!!


Super Moderator
I'd love to move but when the two of us have such great jobs, it's hard to up and leave. :(

I'm thinking the cure is a Can Am Spyder with snow tires! :thumbup:


Staff member
I'd love to move but when the two of us have such great jobs, it's hard to up and leave. :(

I'm thinking the cure is a Can Am Spyder with snow tires! :thumbup:

That would be awesome!! could get one of these...:eek::rockon:

Hyanide Motorcycle Snowmobile Eyecandy: Science Fiction in the News


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cold riding

so far I've been riding in the 20s and 30s, and doing fine with the liners in my motorcycle pants and jacket, winter gloves, and a fleece neck thingie. But the tires on this bike won't even grip on the mud in the parking lot, so I have ZERO FAITH that it would be trustworthy on snow! I'm usually able to ride well into November or December, and start back up again in March. Sorry for those in the snowbelts of the world! (I'm in Michigan, but in the "desert" part, where we don't get that much snow.)


New Member
Well just be gals you have a garage to put it in for all winter... My bike will have to sit outside all winter with nothing but a dang tarp covering it up!:mad:


New Member
Well just be gals you have a garage to put it in for all winter... My bike will have to sit outside all winter with nothing but a dang tarp covering it up!:mad:

Sure that's a wise idea? Heard lots of horror stories of mice and other such rodents eating seats and the likes...

Ever consider one of those little rental storage units? Just go every few weeks to roll the tires so they don't get flat spots. I'm sure you could get one for about $25-30 a month that would fit the bike no probs. There are several barns in the area I live in that offer car/bike/boat storage as well - might want to consider that as well. At least that would be a "target rich" environment for rodents and the chance of your bike getting eaten would reduce greatly. :p



New Member
Man I could not live. I am in FL and ride all year,, not to rub that in but you could always move where it DOESEN'T SNOW!!!

Admittedly, I do envy all you "southerners" that little bit when it comes to all season riding... but, I'd miss my downhill skiing if I lived down there!


New Member
I am so sorry for you

I am from California.
we have no such problems and can ride all year long
how could you put it aside for 3 or 4 months?:(



New Member
ride all year...and the ocean is within 10 minutes of me and the mountains (snow) within 2 hours....


New Member
Today was likely my 2nd last day of riding here in Ottawa... :( Took a nice ride up through the hills..

It's getting very slippery because of the frost and the tyres never quite warm up (nor do I). Im next on the service-n-store list of disheartened riders...

I'll be even more miserable when the winter wheels go on the car!... Sigh... 5 months til a new season. :eek:


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I really do feel for you guys. I've been spoiled living in San Diego my whole life. Not to rub it in, but this is our idea of fall/winter riding. :eek:


This was yesterday morning on Palomar Mountain Road. Although that road will probably be snowed in around December for a month or so. Our high mountains get a lot of snow but everywhere else is free game. I'd say this time of year is probably the best time to ride since it's not so damn hot anymore.

Aahh... must be nice... it looks like we've got the beginning of our "Indian Summer" here right now -- when it warms up to 15-20 degrees C after a good frost or 2. When this warm spell is over, snow's usually a few days behind. Unfortunately, I won't be able to take advantage of the nice weather - I'm off to Italy for a week... so I guess I can cope with the loss of a week of riding... hehehehe.. :D


Damn.... :banghead:

Snow (very light, but still) in the evening last night... and crazy frost this morning....

Guess that's it for me this season...(

Dude, didn't you canucks like INVENT the snowmobile?
End of BIKE season=Start of SLED season!:wav:


New Member
Dude, didn't you canucks like INVENT the snowmobile?
End of BIKE season=Start of SLED season!:wav:
I guess we did invent snowmobiles... problem is, I live in a medium sized city. For me to get anywhere to be able to ride a sled I'd need a trailer, place to store both sled and trailer when not being ridden etc etc etc...
A pain in the butt at best!
I grew up in a small town (right on the edge of it too), so I could take out the sled any time I wanted - the trail was literally on the other side of the street... lots of fun back then, even if it was only a John Deere 340 Cyclone... gas guzzling pig it was...


New Member
Two issues on Rims and Rubber?

As you may have noticed my daily ride is a 2013 FZ6R.
I've been having terrible luck searching for great aftermarket rims.
Second is bloody hell it's hard to find foul weather or now winter tread for my sled.

Any good suggestions?
