anyone on xbox live?


New Member
Im on quite often sometimes about everyday or night after work n etc. That all just kinda depends on whats going on and what not. I mostly play CoD black ops but ive been hoping on CoD4 lately to kick it old school, haha.
Anyone else play on live?
U can add me if u want...GT is oII BubbA IIo
Being playing a lot of NBA 2K11 though
Yessir! My gamertag is Raptors bite. Though it might not always be me, since my nieces and nephews tend to watch netflix or play kinect during the day. If anything, I will be on at night, CA time.
SharpShooter849 is my gamertag, i'm sorta random on what I tend to play though lol
I sent requests to you guys. My name is xKlLLSWlTCHx the I's are actually lowercase L's to make em look like uppercase I's
ps3 all the way here
Playin bo mostly on live. demolition, CTF, domination and WAGER MATCHES!!! I'm on most weekends and about 3 nights out of the week.
bo? whats that? I have a brain cramp atm..

my guess he means Black Ops sense he referred to wager matches and other Block Ops multilayer game modes
We don't care... This is a xbox thread.. Leave!

Lol I was wondering if someone would say somethin around those lines, lmao.
Feel free to shoot me a friend request. I have been playing Black Ops a lot lately. My XBL gamertag is TigerGenetics.

Also, I know this is XBox oriented, but when Killzone 3 comes out on PS3 in February, I will be playing that a lot as well. PS3 tag is CURX8.

Maybe we need to have a sticky thread for forum member gamertags?
If anyone is playing Reach my gamertag is Milthrenko - just let me know you added me off of the forum when/if you request me

OK, in case anyone in this thread is wondering, when you get a request from TigerGenetics on XBox Live, its me.
