Anyone heard this song?


New Member
The b^tch came back by theory of a dead man? Pretty hard core but a couple parts made me laugh about how girls always tell ya how things should be haha

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I had no idea who Theory of a Deadman was, until I went to see Chris Daughtery in concert and they were one of the opeing acts (along with Cavo). Since then, I have really liked listening to their music. Some of their songs have pretty humorous lyrics!
Just got done actually haha, Theory of a Deadman = GREAT!
I'm going to hijack this post and say listen to some skrillex, pretty lights, mt. eden, or deadmau5. Pretty much all dubstep type music but I dig it. Wompwompwompwomp.
Deadmau5 opened for cold play and I fell in love with his music ever since.

I'm going to hijack this post and say listen to some skrillex, pretty lights, mt. eden, or deadmau5. Pretty much all dubstep type music but I dig it. Wompwompwompwomp.

I hadn't heard of Skrillex until the latest Korn release where the colabo'd. Pretty good stuff... and they're coming to Memphis soon so I may have to catch that show.

and Theory is one of the better rock bands out there now.
