Adjusting throttlestop


New Member
Hi everyone!

Just got my XJ6 -09 a black one, a couple of days ago.
It is a second hander so i dont need to break it in.

After hearing a lot of rumors about the FZ6 throttle stop (from 78hp to 98hp) and that it should be the same on XJ6 i had to look into it.

Found no throttle stop that you could take away but i found something else.

The plate that the throttle stops at is not properly adjusted.
My bike maybe opened 85 degrees.
But after grinding the plate down a bit they now open about 90 degrees.

I dont know if that will make any big different but it felt right to do it :)

Sorry if my spelling or some words arent in the right way.
Im from sweden so i hope im getting away with it?


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Elite Member


New Member
I have not heard about this...can you elaborate? is there a thread on it. I thought we had a govenor and thus the throttle stop didnt limit us at all.



New Member
When lifting the airbox cover off you can look right down in the intake.
There you see the throttle "caps" (sorry dont know wich word for those)..
If you pull your handle, you should see those caps moving.

When i was pulling mine to max, the caps stopped at about 85 degrees angle.
And because of that not opening full. (wich should be 90degrees)

For example:
Our intake is 32mm.
If you open this throttle cap 90 degrees you will us as much of that intake as you can.
BUT if you open it less than 90 degrees... well.. then you maybe use only 30mm or even less... (this is only figuratively speaking)

My idea was that it must be best if that "plate" is standing straight up for full capacity when you pull your handle to max.

The plate that holds the two wires is the plate that i grinded down a couple of mm. Becaus that is what makes the throttle stop.

I dont know if my bike was exceptional regarding this but i know when massproducing things there will always be some differences.

Maybe i can give you some pics later. But i hope you understand anaway.
Its hard for me to explain in english also. sorry.:eek:
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New Member
I TOTALLY get EXACTLY what your saying....
Hmmm will have to look at my. maybe there are some slight diffs between the two.
I'll have to look, have not had my tank off yet but about time to look at air cleaner so.....

