That was damn cool. Not surprised Pastrana didn't get very far. Not because of the bike. He's OLD (my age lol) and very broken. He's an incredible athlete and super talented. But these guys he's trying to race are at the top of their game and condition. I liked what Ricky said to him in the booth "Look, when you can bend your knees more than 30% it makes it easier to ride the bike." lol I was surprised that the guys didn't make more major modifications to the bikes to make more straight line speed. But it makes since that they're used to a supercross style suspension, power delivery, etc... I guess it'd slow them down more than anything not being used to it. If this really takes off and becomes a popular event I bet guys start building bikes more specialized for this event.
I'm really looking forward to the Supercross season this year. TONS of changes to rider lineups, sponsors, etc... Kind of shocked that Villapoto pulled out and decided to go to MXGP in Europe. Everyone knows that is actually the one World Championship that's no where near the prestige or competition level that the American National Championship is. It's kind of the exact opposite of road racing. With MX you win a world championship then you come to the US and try to compete here. Where as in road racing you win a US national championship, then you go to Europe and try to compete with the rest of the world. He's going to embarrass those guys out there. He's been destroying the best in the world over here the last few years. And now he's going to race in an inferior series??? I think he and Kawasaki want to be able to say they've dominated the US Supercross Series and won a Wold Championship.