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motorcycle mechanic institute opinion


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
Whittier CA
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Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with going to this school or heard anything about it. I really wanna attend this motorcycle school. Positive and negative feedback
hey john, havent talked to you since the ride. No info on the school, but your close enough to work on my bike for free when you graduate :)
I have no experience with this school, and this opinion is strictly my personal opinion, but I tend to be suspicious of schools that advertise on TV. If they were that amazing I doubt they would have to solicit students with a TV pitch. Again, this is nothing more than my opinion, with no basis in research or experience.

I would do some research and asking like you are doing here to find out which schools have the best rep in this discipline. TV ads are full of big promises and flash but the important thing to know is what schools are respected by the people who are doing the hiring. Talking to someone like Marthy has a lot more real world value than talking to a salesperson from a school. Marthy has contacts in the field, has great experience in the field, and stands to gain nothing from you, so you can be assured his opinion is not motivated by profit. I don't mean to put a guy who I have never met on the spot, but I always stand by the point that the best advice comes from those who have nothing to gain from you. Just my .02
I always wanted to open up a mechanic shop with my best friend. We've worked on a variety of cars (not fancy ones). Our recent project was to replace the rear bearings off of a 01 Chevy Silverado. The most difficult replacement was the alternator and starter off my 91 Nissan 240sx. Mostly from lack of specialty tools and very minimal hand space to wrench. Its all trial and error for me, except my bike which is due for a 14/16k service. I already have the shop named Bemes (Ben/James) Racing & Repair.
I'll preface by saying I don't know anything about MMI or what it gets you, but...

$15k in school expenses is nothing. How much loan debt does the average college student graduate with? Granted, you're probably not going to make as much as a BA/BS owner is, but you're not going to owe what they do either.
