JBP help


New Member
I just got the juice box pro for my FZ6R. I have it installed and have tried the #2 map which is supposed to be the best one for a fz6r with a stock air filter and a full TBR exhaust I'm having issues with it back firing and running ruff. I'm new to these type mods and want to know what I can do to make the bike rune at its top performance. i have read about block off plates and will be getting a set but i still need help with setting up and using the juice box pro. im having trouble with were the low mid and high range dials should be, when looking at them i cant tell where they are pointing. i dont exactly see a definite arrow pointer on them. am i just blind or whats the deal? Please let me know if I should download maps and if so where can I get them. Please help.
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